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"two teenager girls was saw dead in an alleyway.
the police said they were drugs and murdered."
the reporter said as Yara silently watched the tv munching some chips.

"you heard it right?" she said asking the girl beside her that silently eating her ice cream.

"yes, yes. I heard it, I'm not deaf." y/n said rolling her eyes.

"that's why you should reject Riki as early as possible y/n! you should not trust boys!" Yara
said pointing her fingers at her like a mom.

"what's the point of putting Riki? he's not proven that he used drugs Yara. so i'll choose if I want him to court me or not."

"whatever, just don't blame me if people saw you dead like those teenagers." Yara roll her eyes.

"hey that's not a good joke!" y/n retorted.

"sorry I was only joking okay? just be careful!"

summer approach, so they don't need to attend class anymore. at the end of the summer, they will finally graduate high school.

y/n had told Yara what happened that day about the boy she bumped to and telling her that Riki had put drugs at the chocolates he gave.

after that incident, Riki had been avoiding y/n which confused her out. Shouldn't be the one who's avoiding between them is y/n?

her and Riki didn't talk as summer came up.
one day, one of Yara friend invited her to go at the arcade which she gladly accept as long as she brings y/n.

y/n sat at the corner watching Yara interact with her other friends. y/n being like to be alone and avoid human interaction, sit at the corner while drinking her lemonade.

that's when hungry attack her stomach, having no choice she told Yara that she'll leave for a moment to get some food.

she saw a takoyaki stand outside the arcade and buy some. it weirded her like who the fck will sell takoyaki outside of an arcade? she stop Infront of the arcade's entrance when she saw a glimpse of Riki. but the figure immediately walk away when it saw her looking at them.

finally returning at the arcade with takoyaki in her hand, she went back to her position earlier only to find out that it was occupied by three boys which familiar to her.

the one stand out to her sight was the tall one, the one who she bump at the school.  she slowly walked back and started to find Yara, she was disappointed when she couldn't find her anywhere.

y/n sat alone at one of the chairs she found and eat the takoyaki alone. she walk around to find trash bin and throw the box of takoyaki.

after throwing it all, she went back to her seat.
but before she could sit at her seat, she felt dizzy.
she massage her temples but it didn't help at all,
and then. she passed out at the cold floor of the arcade.

y/n woke up at a white room? "where am I?"
she weakly said hearing a beeping sound beside her. she turn to the side and saw a beeping machine. she was in the hospital.

the door opened and she saw Yara enter with the boy she always bumped into? when Yara saw her,
her eyes went wide.

"oh my god! you're awake!" Yara said running to her side. "sinichiro call the doctor!" Yara added looking at the boy, he nodded and run outside.

'so his name was sinichiro all along huh?' Y/n thought feeling Yara's arm around her.

the doctor finally finished all the examine telling y/n that she was finally healing and can leave the hospital after two or three days.

"what really exactly happened?" y/n asked looking at Yara while she lean at the bed's frame.

"It was really crazy but I will tell you everything I knew. so it started when you left and get some food, and I went to the bathroom. as I got back,
I ask my other friends if they saw you come back but they said you still didn't. so I went outside looking for you and saw sinichiro holding you while his friends holding Riki. I ask them what's going on, they told me that they saw you fainted and was going to help you but Riki took away your unconscious body. they approach him to ask him why he's dragging you and Riki told them to take care of you. sinichiro threat him to put you down or he'll call police. with that Riki ran away holding you, sinichiro immediately call the police as his friends chase after Riki. they successfully take hold of Riki and sinichiro take you away from him. the police came and arrested Riki for kidnapping. turn out the autopsy said the takoyaki you ate have drugs, and Riki was the cause of it, and the most shocking part is he's the one who's been murdering teenage girls aroun the alleyways. you're lucky that sinichiro and his friends were there." Yara explained catching her breathing.

the door opened revealing sinichiro with a basket full of fruits, while Waka and Benkei peek in his back.

"I got you fruits." sinichiro said placing the basket at the top of the table beside of the hospital bed.

"and flowers." Waka added putting the three tulips as well.

sinichiro nudge him and gave y/n a smile.

"can I talk to you for a moment?" y/n said weakly.

"yeah, sure. I don't mind." sinichiro said scratching the back of his neck.

Yara, Waka, and Benkei look at each other confused wether they should get out or not.
y/n coughed giving Yara a side-look as Yara push Waka and Benkei out of the door together with her.

"so what do you wanna talk about?" sinichiro ask looking around, purposely averting his gaze.

y/n patted the bed signalling him to sit as he obligated.

"did we met before?" y/n asked tilting her head.

"y-yeah, at the school. I bumped at you I think two times." he said.

"no, I mean before that. I think I seen you before that."

"do you not really remember?" sinichiro looking straight at her eyes.

"remember what?"

"that night where you have a hang over at one of your friends party?"

when the sun goes down ― 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗼Where stories live. Discover now