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two months had passed when y/n started to stay at sinichiro's house. however, sinichiro notice something about his girlfriend.

she was being distance from him, not only from him but from everybody.

sinichiro tap his foot impatiently at the floor crossing his arms standing outside of their house porches waiting for y/n to arrive.

it was already ten at the evening yet the girl hasn't come home, which made him worry.

finally, he snapped out of all of his thoughts when he heard footsteps at their porche. it was y/n.

"care to tell me why you're late again?" he asked following the girl inside and closing the door behind.

"if you're going to lecture me for being coming home late again, please don't." y/n said while removing her shoes and places it with slippers.

"how could I not y/n? I'm always wondering what happened to you or something might bad happened to you because you always came home late."

"oh please, it was from six years ago! stop being paranoid and let me rest." y/n slammed their room's door right Infront of sinichiro's face as he sighed holding his head calming his self down.

"you two should always remember that there's still kids living here." his grandfather said leaning at his doorframe across their room.

"I'm sorry grandpa, I'm just worried about her. after that happened to her." sinichiro said with apologizing look.

"I understand you sinichiro, but i think you should trust her more. why not go out with her tomorrow since it's saturday? help her clean her minds and also yours, give each other's time." his grandfather said and went to his room closing the door.

"where are we really going?" y/n said letting sinichiro drag her.

"we're here." sinichiro said as y/n look around seeing many stalls of foods and also games.

"you know i remembered you always tell me you wanted to go at place like this, where you'll eat as much as you can and throw up, try every games as you ran out of money." sinichiro spat.

"sinichiro, i was still a teenager that time."

"and we were still are! let's enjoy this day and clear out minds shall we?"

the day was fun for sinichiro but he was not sure about y/n though, he'll give him foods and will saw that she's forcing herself to eat it.

everytime they play games she will disagreed saying she's tired.

everytime sinichiro try to take a photo of her with his camera, she'll force a smile.

"sinichiro, I'm tired already can't we take a rest for a moment?" y/n said weakly as sinichiro continue to drag her.

"wait, we're almost there!"

when sinichiro stop, y/n look at Infront of her.
It was a grass field but full of flowers, the sunset hitting the ground made it looks mesmerizing.

at the center, there was a blanket with basket on it. she guessed sinichiro had planned it all.

the two sit at the picnic set up, enjoying the sunset.

"you know when you left the town i started to distance my self from Waka and Benkei, focusing at my shop more to forget how lonely am I without you." sinichiro started as y/n look at him.

"the picture we had taken at our graduation together with the three." sinichiro referring to Yara, Waka and Benkei. "I always keep it on my pocket, so if I ever got tired i'll take out my pocket and stare at the pictures. with that, I always remember the memories we had together and it feels like you're still in my side."

"this day was like, I was the only enjoying it.
it feels like you're not there, I couldn't even sense
that you're in my side."

"people just changed, because no one and nothing is permanent in this world." y/n mumble.

"I do know, people change and nothing's permanent. but I also do know that my love for you, towards you will be always permanent, it will never change. so please stop distancing yourself from me, from your friends, from everyone y/n. I'm always here, by your side. I'll never leave you." he said taking
y/n's hand rubbing it.

y/n smiled softly at him and hold his hands back.

"wait, can I take a picture of you with those flowers and the sunsets?" sinichiro asked finding his camera.

y/n giggles "yeah, ofcourse."

the two enjoy each other's company, y/n laughing at her boyfriend's silly jokes.

sinichiro will randomly take pictures of her especially when she's laughing and smiling.

they wait until the sunset fully disappeared and went home enjoying the day.

when the sun goes down ― 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗼Where stories live. Discover now