(iv)Chapter-1(Mission:O.R.I.G.I.N )

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Toshiyari:"Help, Uncle?"

Toshiyari's voice caught everyone's attention. It seems like she was dangling on a rope for her dear life. If she let go, she will absolutely meet her demise.

She looked up, the O.R.I.G.I.N warned her about the three who were watching her from above. Lisa tries to come closer and Admiral Maskaraid let Tirek go rushing towards the edge.

Toshiyari: (Huh uh now...what?Huh there's a second floor in this construction site if I can swing and jump on the ground floor below they won't be able to get me but how am I supposed to do this...!Wait...)

-an image flashes inside her eyes showing the distance if she jumps-

Toshiyari: (A 50 meter jump,can I extend this sword somehow..)"Ahh huh?"

The girl feels as if she's getting pulled, she reluctantly looks up.

Ari looked up to see Tirek pulled the rope that Toshiyari was holding on while Admiral was rioting with Lisa. As Tirek continued to pull Toshiyari up, a sound of explosion of the mini grenades Admiral threw were heard as took the villain's attention. Tirek let go and takes a glance at Lisa who was coughing because of the smoke from the explosion. Tirek continued to pull the rope but later he noticed he was pulling no one.

Tirek: "Huh WHERE'D SHE GO!?"

Toshiyari extended the sword as the tip stuck in the floor and she safely got down on the side, running her way to her Uncle. After that she climbed up in the floor where the battle was concluding through a steady pillar,Admiral took a turn and started to fight against Tirek who rushed at him from behind and they wrestled each other, on the other hand Lisa seemed to spot the kid. As if on cue, the O.R.I.G.I.N gave a warning signal which instructed Toshiyari to slide down because of a knife that Lisa was going to throw at her. Toshiyari followed this and slid pass the knife that went over her head.

Tirek: "G-GRRRRr!Yah!"

Tirek let go of Admiral  and hits the ground with his fists which emit shockwaves.

Admiral Maskaraid notices the direction to which it was sent.

Admiral Maskaraid: "Aria!Jump!"

Toshiyari: "Ahh!"

She jumps over the shockwave avoiding it.

Lisa: "I'll go after her you take care of the weirdo!"

Admiral Maskaraid: "Try it lad!"

Lisa ran and attempted to shock Toshiyari once more, the preteen was barely able to dodge she nearly fell but was able to stand still on her feet. Tirek tackled Admiral but the said man dodged and jumped on him instead making the the devil fall face planted on the ground.

Admiral Maskaraid:"Heh,...weak. Aria look out!Those weapons contain electrical power of you get hit by an inch you'll get electrocuted!"

Toshiyari sees another knife coming at her.


The girl unable to think of a way to get out of here, takes out the sword swinging it while closing her eyes


Toshiyari sees the weapon cut into atoms while being surrounded by a plasma barrier.

Toshiyari: "What in the..."

Lisa: "You figured out how to use O.R.I.G.I.N huh brat?!Take this!"

Annoyed Lisa throws another one of her weapon at her she yelped as he dodged once again, running away from Lisa Toshiyari hid behind a beam, while Admiral tried to keep Tirek in place he peaked through the right side first. Lisa attacked her again but she dodged,Toshiyari's head peaking right through the left side of the beam. Lisa attacked her again but,she was able to dodge her attack once more. The two were circling the beam, Toshiyari runs closer to Admiral's direction making Lisa follow her with her electrical powers at the same moment Admiral realised what the girl was trying to do and let go of Tirek.

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