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Toshiyari transformed into a middle aged man according to the data given to her, she transformed into Bob the head bodyguard,

(Toshiyari)Bob admires self.

(Toshiyari)Bob: "Woah....Cool!?...No time to get amazed I have to execute the plan immediately"

Toshiyari slaps herself coming back to reality she approached the guard.

Guard John: "Good afternoon."

(Toshiyari)Bob:"Uh hi...I mean Ugh!Ahm I'm her from the uh....special unit,Head Bodyguard I'm here to meet with-"

Guard John:"Dr. is busy right now,"

(Toshiyari)Bob:"What do you mean!Im the head guard!It's an important matter!-"

Guard John:"Dr. is busy right now,"

His voice was monotonous. No emotion no life. No irritation no anger.

(Toshiyari)Bob: "Alright,Admiral they're not letting in,"

(Toshiyari)Bob walks out and uses the communicator.

Admiral Maskaraid:"Our hypothesis were correct it seems...Toshiyari, time for you to initiate,O.R.I.G.I.N, Make no mistakes kid this mission's counting on your solo advent!"

Toshiyari:"Understood Inviso alter Desguiso!Activate O.R.I.G.I.N!!"

Toshiyari pressed the button on the perfume bottle like crystal.She peeked up and the first thing she saw was a truck and with that at the back of Illume Tower, there was an entrance.

Toshiyari: "Huh I see it...There's an entrance in the back!Huh there are guards there, " (According to Admiral Desguiso mode can only be used for an hour in my case ...me being the dumbass damsel wasted 53 minutes to practice!Is there someone in the world more useless than me?Hmm looks like they're carrying the crates inside but what're inside those crates?Seems suspicious..)💡" Idea~Hehehe"

-Mission Impossible thème-

Toshiyari uses her lasso and swings to the top like a monkey then lands slowly near a crate she crawls inside an empty crate without making a noise.

Mikey:"Okay I guess that's...huh another one?Hmph!Heavy!Ronaldo I need some help!"

A man was struggling to pull a crate, it was too heavy and therefore, he needed some help. The said man helped him pushed the crate, they were able to move it on the right spot.

Toshiyari: "Hehe I'm a genius..."

Mikey:"Thank Ron that sure was heavy!"

Once they were gone, the top of the crate opened to reveal our one and only agent Toshiyari posing like an anime character. Toshiyari enters the private building and whispers in communicator.

Toshiyari: "I am in!"

Admiral Maskaraid: "Heh Excellent, Muchacha!"

Toshiyari slowly made her way inside. At an empty hallway,she peaked from a wall.

Toshiyari: "O.R.I.G.I.N Retinal Scan,Huh security cameras,latest drones high class tech-"

Admiral Maskaraid: "Fear not...Aim the device forward...Jenny..."

Jennifer:"Dont worry leave this to me Admiral. Coordinates synchronised with O.R.I.G.I.N, initiating via hacking process."

Jennifer, who was watching everything through the holographic image Toshiyari sent, hacked the cameras and deactivated it for the girl to be able to make the next move.

Toshiyari: "Woah cool!I wish I was a technical agent...Huh...an elevator..."

Jennifer: "Use your equipment it has a laser grid scanner."

The O.R.I.G.I.N Of A HeroWhere stories live. Discover now