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/-School library,-/

Though Toshiyari's watch looked like a normal everyday girl's watch it was not.A sudden light flashed out of the watch as soon as she received the transmission from her Admiral and like the day before she entered into the library,the librarian still typing while giggling continuously at her phone, Toshiyari gave her a weird look and then left, suddenly she hears footsteps towards her direction

Toshiyari:"Okay coast is clear!"

The girl looks behind peeking through a wall

Toshiyari:"Strange thought I saw someone there- waH huh Mai?What're you doing here!"

Mai:"Oh..um Ari I was just following you..."

Toshiyari raises an eyebrow.

Toshiyari: "Why did Alissa sent you here?To spy on me?For her information I did take a membership for the library club-"

Mai:"No!Of course not I just wanted to give you this..."


Mai blushes furiously giving Toshiyari the letter.

Mai: "How is it?!"

Toshiyari also blushed a bit...thinking something...

Toshiyari: "Uh..Thank you...I-I'll check...Dearest Kailith, Eh Kai?You mean like the new kid?"

Mai:"Uh huh do you think he will like it?"

Toshiyari:"Are you serious?It hasn't even been a day he showed up, also isnt he blin-"

Mai:"Enough I get it I know I am a simp!I can't help it!He was soo cool back there when he kicked your behinds He even winked at me...it's almost as if he could see though he's blind...And I see it too!  he likes me & I am totally okay with it!!"

Toshiyari:"Okay but why give this to me?"

Mai:"Can you pass this to him for me?Honesty i wouldnt trust you and give it to Ai..but she went home so...here you are!"

Toshiyari deadpan at her.

Toshiyari:"Why not you do it?"

Mai:"I'm gonna mess up!I'll start stuttering & besides, you can imitate my voice and it's not like Kailith will notice you... So you're perfect for this!"

Toshiyari feels offended and weirded by authoress'es cringy sense of creating this scene but she then smiles and laughs  nervously

Toshiyari: "Oh.....k.."

Mai:"Ok tell him it's from me & Yousetsuko."

Mai looks behind with a death glare.

Mai:"Dont mess up!!!"

Toshiyari:"I..I won't.."

Mai:"Good, la la la~"

Mai leaves the place singing.

Toshiyari puts the letter in her pocket.

Toshiyari:"This girl is crazy...I mean who writes  a blind guy letter...not in Braille...Maybe people just have weird tastes in love interests..."

Toshiyari says while taking out the book from the shelf.

Toshiyari:"Well at least she won't complain about me to Alissa...saying Why I was here in an odd time like this?"

Toshiyari puts hand on the book of yesterday.

Kai:"Honestly though why are you here?"


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