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La'llia sat at her desk reviewing her surveillance listening to her former Master. She knew this was coming and was doing her best to maintain her composure. She had little time for training with her task of protecting Christian, not to mention she didn't want to be pulled away from him, which she would not reveal to Alfred.

"La'llia, we must pursue these results. We can assign another Primal to this case."

"No." She heard him sigh on the other end. She was testing his patience, but she didn't care. After all these years he should know her better than this by now, she thought.

"La'llia..." She cut him off.

"Alfred, I love you, but No. I have already invested and I have established contact with him. How would it look if I disappear? If you insist on this, maybe you can come to me? It wouldn't hurt to have you around, and I have plenty of room."

"How is your contact proceeding?"

It was Sunday, and she knew what Alfred was implying, but would not go into details with him at this time. When, and if, that would ever become an issue she would update him, but for now it was no issue.

"Standard contact. As we discussed, the contact made by this 'Mentor' on Friday will need to be addressed, but right now I want an answer as to what we are going to do about my situation. I will not abandon him." She winced at the use of personal terminology, but she couldn't take it back.

There was a pause before he continued. "Fine, I will come to you, but there will be someone else that will need to come as well. I will make contact with them and fill them in. If it weren't for your ability to adapt so well La'llia I would be insisting. I know you are no longer one of my students, but with this development I could easily make that standard again."

"Who will be the second?" She knew Alfred was an Air Eternal, and he wanted to bring someone with a more defined Earth Elemental skill. She knew a few personally, but with the need to protect Christian she wanted the best.

"I want to make contact first. If they refuse it will be of no matter anyway. Now, let's talk about this message you received."

She quickly filled him in. "From what I could tell he was an Air Elemental. He was no beginner. The air was charged and Christian felt it as well."

"Oh? Well that is certainly a development. He commented on the new moon phase?"


"This could be when his change will come. For Water Elementals the moon is a source of their abilities."

"I assumed as much. We have twenty days until the new moon. Which means they will try again. We have to make adjustments quickly. When can you be here?"

"I will make my phone calls and fly out by morning. I am assuming that you have a work room set up?"

"Yes, and enough privacy that should we need to go outdoors, we can do so with no worries."

"Excellent. I will be in contact then. If anything further develops contact me. I will also try to get identification on this messenger you had contact with."

As she hung up she thought about Christian. How much could she trust those that she thought were within their structure? From Friday's confrontation she realized that they had more information on them than she did on this rogue clan, and she didn't like it. She never tried to keep her Eternal duties a secret, but she didn't go around advertising it either. She trusted Alfred, so she would trust the ones he sent to help supervise.

She thought back to Friday evening. They had returned to her home and supervised the movers to take all of the furnishings within the house. After this task was finished her electronics were delivered quickly afterward. The final construction had been completed before they had returned from lunch, to which she was grateful and she sent Stephen home until she needed him again.

Eternal Code: La'lliia's FireWhere stories live. Discover now