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"Christian? Christian are you okay?" Her voice sounded desperate and her hands were covering his body from head to toe, looking for any damage. "Christian talk to me. Please!"

"I'm...okay..." His words were broken and she could tell he was shocked at what he had seen, but little did he know this was nothing compared to what she had been through in her lifetime. The impact she had absorbed from Damien would normally have hurt her enough to weaken her, but she felt little damage and was only focused on assessing him at the moment. Again, she was grateful for her new skills, even if she barely knew how to use them. Today was the first time she had caused the earth to form a wall of protection.

"Come on, let's get you inside."

"What did he mean La'llia? And please don't tell me 'rule number one'."

"Let's get back inside so I can lock up. Someone may still be here. What were you thinking going outside?"

After they went inside the house, La'llia quickly went to a control panel near the doors and entered a series of codes effectively setting the alarm system. She heard the locks click in place as she finished. She relaxed slightly, comforted by the sound.

Turning back to Christian she placed her hands on her hips and her face clearly showed her now growing irritation at his lack of sense. She felt his gaze as he took in her condition, but didn't recognize the look of shock and concern enveloping him.

"La'llia you're..." He began, his voice trembling.

Anger quickly took over her words as she started pacing. "What the hell where you thinking? I just told you some pretty incredible truths Christian and you decide to go for a walk by yourself?" She was pacing now back and forth in front of the massive fireplace. "You could've been taken, killed..."

"La'llia..." He tried again to break through her anger infused tirade.


"I know you're angry right now, but you've been hurt..." He made a motion towards her midsection.

She looked down and saw that the left side of her shirt had been burned, leaving black marks around the edges of what little of the shirt remained. Her exposed shin revealed a definite burn mark from the brunt of the lightning her foe had exposed her to. She gingerly touched the edges of the area and hissed as the pain suddenly reached her senses. Her head began to swim and she felt like her legs were rubber, before she could fall to the floor Christian had his arms around her, gently avoiding the exposed area, and guided her to the couch.

"Tell me what to do..." His voice was rough and his eyes pleaded with her.

"Downstairs, there's a medicine cabinet. It should have some burn cream in there, and bring some warm water and a cloth, some dressings to cover it up." He nodded and began to move away.

"Christian, I need my phone as well please. I need to let Alfred know what happened tonight."

Again he nodded, but she saw the grimace on his face before he turned away. He was feeling guilty over the events. If he had stayed inside it wouldn't have happened. No, maybe not tonight, but it still hung over them. Sooner or later this Damien would show his face again. She was certain she had injured him as well. If she had her weapons the man would be dead. She cringed as she thought of what Christian would have seen then. As it was he had been exposed to too much, and there would be no way to keep him from asking more questions.

She thought back to the tickling sensation she had felt as she had finished her phone call from Alfred. She forced her mind and body to concentrate and she had felt Christian's fear and somehow had known he was in imminent danger. From the view of the windows in her master bedroom she had seen two figures standing near the property's pond. Her battle instincts had kicked into drive and she moved quickly to confront the trespasser. When she had heard him threaten Christian, her anger and rage took over. From the first moment she had seen him she had felt drawn to him, but fought the feelings as one of attraction. This went beyond that, sensing his emotional state and personal safety was something she had never experienced before. She needed to talk to Alfred again to get a better picture of what was happening to her. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

Eternal Code: La'lliia's FireWhere stories live. Discover now