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"Where am I?" Christian asked out loud, but received no response. I'm swimming, he thought. No, I'm...floating. He scanned the area to his left and right, then looked up and down. Trying to find anything he could relate to, but there was nothing. It seemed as if he was surrounded by a body of water, but he wasn't wet, the area glowed with an aquamarine haze and he felt like he was moving in a downwards direction. He looked again, but could find nothing to place his feet upon. Oddly, he felt no threat as he descended to wherever it was that he was going. He thought he glimpsed what appeared to be clouds or mist, but the hue of them seemed a lazy violet.

Suddenly from the violet mist a woman appeared and his decent stopped almost in front of her. He found his feet resting upon something solid, but as he looked down again he still saw nothing there, just the aquamarine haze of everything surrounding him, except for the violet mist the woman was approaching him from. "Where am I?" He asked again. The mist completely surrounded her and he couldn't make out her features fully. This isn't Lia, he thought, she's much shorter. "Please? Have I died? Where are we?" Finally she emerged from the violet mist and stood directly in front of him. He gasped. She looked beautiful. Her blonde hair shone as if the sun were shining upon it and her blue eyes glowed. He was correct when he thought she was petite. She stood no more than five foot tall. "Mother?" He finally asked.

She laughed, her voice was soft and seemed to echo within the hollow of their immediate area. "Yes my love."

"Where are we mother? Have I died as well?" He asked again.

"No dear." She extended her hand towards him. As he reached to take it he took a tentative step, not knowing if he would fall as he didn't seem to be standing on anything at all. "I've brought you here to meet someone."

Then another woman stepped forward from the violet haze that seemed to surround them again. She was slightly taller than his mother, but she too had blonde hair and forest green eyes that seemed to pierce through him.

"Christian, I want you to meet Leala. She is our ancestor. We need to help you with your transition Christian and she can better explain what is happening to you right now."

"Leala? We have your journals..."

She nodded. "Christian, we do not have much time. The Bane from my time is gone, but his legacy lives on with his ancestor. They did not fully understand his methods and findings, and now you have been forced to turn before your time."

"I don't understand...what findings? All we have are your journals, but you were so young."

"Christian, Bane had been able to detect when and who would become an Eternal. He used his information to torture and turn many of our own. Unfortunately, most were lost to insanity or their personalities changed so much they became someone else. He used them to further his research and in the end it cost many of us our loved ones, even my own daughter Abira."

He nodded then. "I know. I read the journal entries. I am sorry for your loss."

"No need my dear boy. I have been reunited with all of my loved ones here. Christopher and I have her back, but that isn't what I need to tell you." She paused for a moment and looked to his mother before continuing. "Christian, your mind is fighting with the abilities your body is trying to control. Only you can overcome what they have done to you. Your body in a sleep state so you can fight to control the negative impact of the forced turn. Your abilities will be greater than even mine were, or Christopher's, and if you are to stop the Bane of your time you will need it all to do so. You must control your thoughts and keep them from turning your abilities away or diminishing them. A Water eternal is watching over you and doing what they can to revive you from this state, but you mustn't return until you have full control. Do you understand?"

Eternal Code: La'lliia's FireWhere stories live. Discover now