Holy Shit

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Chapter Twelve


I woke up this morning to find Crusher sleeping at the foot of the bed. It shocked the hell out of me since he usually keeps his distance. Anti and Lucifer warmed up to me within the first few days I got here... Crusher has always regarded me as nothing more than an intruder in his home. I'm not complaining about the change of heart but it is weird. 

Even weirder is that I'm actually in a good mood today. Lately, I've been letting the whole isolation thing get to me. Not today though because Wendy, Abel, and Thomas are coming for a visit. I'll have someone besides Donny to talk to. Thank God for that because it was hell trying to convince Tully to let them come at all. 

I know that the reason for me being here is protection and he doesn't want anyone to know exactly where I am. Which is why we compromised and Donny is picking them up from her apartment. He might even blindfold her so that she can't tell Jax where I am. 

I think it's a bit much since Wendy would never hurt or sell me out. I know that for a fact. He's just paranoid but I got him to understand that with having family comes responsibility. These boys are a huge part of my life and I promised them that they'd always have me. It's one I intend to keep. 

I'm waiting out on the porch when they pull up the long driveway. Once the truck is in park, Wendy gets out followed by Abel. 

" Jayce! " He exclaims the second his eyes land on me.

Scooping him up into a hug I place a kiss on his cheek. " Hey, Abe. I missed you bud. "

" I missed you too. " He says slowly. 

I smile when Thomas is lifted out of his car seat. Wendy brings him over and I say, " hey, Wen ".

" Hi, Jay. You know he made me wear a blindfold most of the way here? " She asks while giving Donny the side eye. 

Shaking my head I chuckle. " Tully doesn't like people knowing where he lives. I had to compromise in order to get you all here. Come on in for some peanut butter cookies and milk. " 

" Yay! " Abel exclaims in excitement.

Leaning down to his level I say, " and for dinner... We're having my special chili. " 

" I love chili. You're the best Jayce! " He says as I open the door and let everyone in. 

The second Abel is fully inside he starts exploring. Tully told me to lock the bedroom door while they're here but other than that, he can explore all he wants. I put the dogs out back for the time being but it's only a matter of time before he realizes they're here.

Taking Thomas, I kiss his forehead before turning to Wendy. " So how are things? " 

" Okay at best. We've all been missing Bobby... And you of course. Jax especially. He would never admit it, but I know he has a lot of regret over how shit went down between you two. Especially on the Chibs situation. "

His life would be a lot simpler if he had just let me be happy with his vice president that's for sure. Nodding I take three glasses out of the cabinet and pour milk into each. Setting Abel's cup in front of him at the table, I put three cookies on a plate and leave him to it. 

" It took me getting out from under to realize that I wasn't really living my life. " I tell her seriously. " It wasn't fair that everyone was free to find significant others where they pleased, but I had such strict rules. As if I'd have ever found someone not involved in the lifestyle that could handle me coming home bloody and bruised. Let alone be okay with me not being able to tell him anything. "

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