I'll Protect You

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Chapter Two

Wendy's Apartment


This boy better be thanking his lucky stars that I love him. I had to slip past everyone at TM and convince Nero to lend me his car. I don't enjoy taking risks like this. Carrying the groceries I just bought, I make my way up to Wendy's apartment.

Knocking with our secret code, I hear movement on the other side of the door. It opens a crack, revealing half of Juice's worn face. He opens it fully and I step inside.

" I'm pretty sure I got everything, " I say, placing the bags on the kitchen table.

He offers a weak smile. " Thanks. I've been surviving on bread and water for the past two days. "

" No offense, but you look terrible, " I remark, studying him closely. " When was the last time you slept? "

He shrugs. " I can't remember. I have to stay alert all the time. "

" If you don't rest, you'll become delirious. It'll only make you more paranoid, " I insist, beginning to unpack the groceries.

He sighs. " And how paranoid should I be? I'm running from certain death. "

" Sleep deprivation will only make you sloppy, " I say, placing my hands on his shoulders and turning him around. " Go lay down, and I'll whip up something warm for you. "

He opens his mouth to protest, but a snap of my fingers and a pointed gesture toward the couch silence him. He knows better than to argue with me, especially when I'm risking everything to help him.

I know what you're thinking... Jaycee, why are you helping a rat?

Well... Aunt Gemma is involved too. They won't divulge all the details, but it hardly matters now. It's a tangled tale I scarcely know where to begin unraveling. The abridged version is that he's my closest friend, in every sense. Having lost so much lately, I refuse to lose him too. I don't care what he's done.

I watch him drift into sleep before starting to search for a pan to cook the ground beef. His favorite meal is spaghetti, especially when I make it. The silver lining is that I always cook enough to feed an army, so at least I know he'll be well-fed for a few days at least.


We're parked at a fruit and veggie stand, waiting for Jury and his crew to roll up. This war is just getting warmed up, and today marks the kickoff for dismantling Lin's operation piece by piece.

I hear the rumble of motorcycles getting closer, and I nod at Chibs and Bobby as we prepare to greet them.

" Hey, bro, " Jury says as we embrace.

I clap him on the back. " Appreciate you showing up. "

" It's good to see you back, " he says, pulling away. " I know this runs deep for you, brother. Indian Hills has got your back. What happened to Tara... that shit should never happen. I'm sorry. "

I nod, because what else am I supposed to do? Tara was my world, and I'm tired of hearing condolences. " Yeah. Thanks. "

" I just need to let my crew know what else you're gonna need from us. We've been running some muling for the Vegas triads into Mexico, " he explains, and I know the risks he's taking.

Jury was one of my father's closest allies. I'd never ask him to put his ass on the line like this. " Look, Jury, striking back at the Chinese is Redwood's fight. If you're worried about blowback reaching Nevada... "

He interrupts me. " I'm here to help, Jax. I just need to know the game plan. "

" Mm-hmm, " I nod.

Bobby steps forward. " We're gonna unravel Lin's operation, tear apart his connections. But for now, it has to look like someone else's handiwork. "

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