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Chapter Sixteen


After dinner,  I'm escorted into Tully and I's private cell as usual. The conversation I had with Jax earlier this morning is still ringing through my head.

His stare beats into me for a few moments before he opens his mouth. " How was the talk with Teller? "

" I think you know. You here to kill me? " I ask not sure if I want to know.

Almost black eyes bear into mine for a moment before he asks, " are you ready to die, Juicy "?

I'm not stupid. There's something up and Jax's final words are still ringing in my mind. He's in AB shot-caller mode at the moment. This is the part of him that's just as rough as his reputation says. It's a direct contradiction to the Tully I've been meeting with recently. The reassuring and compassionate person is gone and there's nothing but steel in his eyes. Why wouldn't I think he's here to kill me?

Closing my eyes I brace myself and pray he makes it quick. I don't want to see it coming. Not by the mother of my child's old man. 

My child. 

I still haven't had the chance to process that fully. Only I would forget to use the protection she gave me. Did I forget though? I'm not so sure now. Maybe I just wanted skin-to-skin the first time with the woman of my dreams and didn't bother. I was pretty messed up at the time.

" I asked you a question. Are you ready to die? " He asks completely changing the subject.

I put my best indifferent face on. " I know the deal. "

I just wish it wasn't him. I can't help but think about when he gave me the news about Bobby... The second I was in his arms, it felt like home- no it felt like being with JJ. A feeling I may never feel again. Like nothing bad could possibly happen to me.

I wonder if that's why she let him claim her. The security that comes with it. He isn't all that bad to look at either. This place has a way of tearing you down but I can tell he likes to keep up with himself. He doesn't let his hair get ratty. His jumpsuits are always the cleanest in the building. When he gets the luxury of shaving his face, I'd even go as far as to say that he's all right to look at... For an older guy.

Don't give me shit, okay? I'm the most open-minded guy I know... Besides Tig, he's on a whole other level of perversion. Just because I've never been with a man but that doesn't mean I haven't thought about it.

Pushing off of the bunk, he makes a full circle around before stopping inches behind me. 

" Jax wants me to kill you because you betrayed him... " He says, as his breath hits the back of my neck making the hairs stand up on end. " But there's something he didn't factor in when he asked me to do you. "

I can't stop my voice from trembling when I ask over my shoulder, " what's that "?

His hands rub up my back and grab ahold of my shoulder before sharply turning me around. Large palms cup my face and my stomach lurches as I watch his lips get closer to mine.

" I don't want to. " He whispers before leaning down all the way and planting his lips lightly on mine.

Push him away. 

Everything in me is screaming that at me, but I do the exact opposite. I pull him in. It's then that I'm slammed into the cement wall with his imposing figure pressed flush against me. Both of our hands settle on the wall behind us almost as if restraining ourselves from touching in a way that would break the spell seemingly cast. It's not weird. It's not gross... At this moment, all I can think about is how fucking soft his lips are. I can't say how much I missed being wanted like this. 

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