I can cook?

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"Come inside, grandma's back from work," said Olivia smiling face
"Oh she's back!" he said and entered the sitting room.
"Yes, and we're cooking right now." she replied softly "Would you sit here while I quickly help grandma with the cooking?" asked Olivia gently
"No, I will join you guys," replied Peter
Olivia quickly cut in and rolled her eyes at him "Really, you're a boy and..." said Olivia looking at him astonished
"And so, I help my mom in the kitchen if you don't know even the housekeeper can testify to that," replied Peter proudly.
"Wow, mommy's boy!" chuckled Olivia "I love that and I can't wait for you to cook for me one of these days." she quickly added.
Peter was blushing at what Olivia said and he couldn't wait to cook for her because that was what he had always wanted to do with her. He loved to cook and would watch her sit while doing that.
"One day I will cook a special delicacy for you... I mean one of these days," he said crossing her heart. Olivia was fascinated and she looked at him and blushed
"Can you lead the way to the kitchen please?" said Peter pleased with her beautiful smile.
"Uhmn, this way please," replied Olivia stuttered.
She was surprised, by the way things were turning up, her childhood friend was growing up first and she thought of Peter becoming a man, he looked handsome and looked like a grown man. They both entered the kitchen, Olivia's grandmother was surprised to see him follow Olivia into the kitchen.
"Good afternoon, grandma," said Peter bowed.
"How are you my son, and how are your parents? asked Grandma cheerfully. Olivia's grandmother loved calling Peter her son, she truly adored him for her grandson. She wished Olivia and Peter would marry themselves when they grew up.
"I'm fine Grandma and they're all fine and healthy," replied Peter politely.
"That's nice! Olly, take Peter to the sitting room, while we finish all these things quickly." said her grandma.
Peter quickly cut in. "I would love to help you with the cooking, grandma," said Peter
"Thanks my boy, there's nothing much to do," said Grandma gently and gestured to Olivia to take him inside.
"I insist ma," said Peter again.
"I don't want you to stress and dirty yourself," said Grandma concerned.
"Cooking is not a stress or dirty work, I love cooking ma," replied Peter firmly.
Olivia's grandmother was delighted to hear that from him.
"Really?" Grandma looked directly at him.
Olivia cut in "Yes granny, he said he always helped his mom in the kitchen that was what he told me." said Olivia softly
"Okay if you say so," said Grandma pleased.
Peter quickly grabbed the blender and asked. "How do you want the pepper ma'am?" he turned to grandma "Very smooth or just smooth?" asked Peter gently
"We're cooking potato sauce, just smooth," replied Grandma smiling at Peter and Olivia grinned.
"Okay ma," said Peter.
He ground the pepper within three seconds.
"Here's it ma!" said Peter.
Olivia's grandmother was surprised by the way he did it fast and the pepper was not too smooth.
"Good job, boy!" Olivia said commented first.
"Wow, well done my son," said Grandma. She checked the pepper and was pleased.
Peter was flattered and said "Don't mention me, anything else again?" he asked
"Hand me over the Maggie cubes please," replied Grandma softly
"Here's it ma!" he said.
"Thanks." And grandma noticed, Olivia had left the kitchen. "Where's Olly?" asked grandma
"She had gone outside to throw away the waste bin," replied Peter.
"Okay, can you turn this for me?" asked Grandma.
"Yes ma," replied Peter and collected the spoon from grandma to turn the stew.
Peter had left the kitchen with Olivia after Olivia's grandmother had instructed them, that there was nothing left for them to do again in the kitchen. They rushed to the sitting room for their homework.
''Here is it Peter!'' Olivia handed over the assignment book to him.
''let me show you how I did mine!'' said Peter excitedly.
"Okay let's see it!" replied Olivia.
Peter started solving the assignment slowly and finally arrived at the final answer.
"Here we go," said Peter triumphantly.
"Uhmn!" Mumbled Olivia.
"Yes, did you see how I got it?" asked Peter cheerfully.
"I think, you started from here." she pointed her fingers to the working.
"Yes, you're correct!" replied Peter.
"Now I know it!" said Olivia confidently.
"That would be nice if you could prove it to me?" he winked his eyes at her.
"Let me show you!" replied Olivia vibrantly.
She started solving the equation and followed the steps he used to solve the problem. "I think am done," said Olivia looking at her working delighted.
"Really!" exclaimed Peter. He looked at her work and was stunned "Whoa! Bravo! And you deserve a big hug." he said after checking her workings.
And Olivia smiled happily and she hugged him.
"Olly, and Peter, you guys should come over here, food is ready!" announced Grandma calling from the kitchen.
"Okay granny, we'reOkay granny, we're coming!" said Olivia quickly "Food's ready Peter, let's go!" she turned to Peter and stood up.
"Shall we?" asked Peter.
"Yes!" replied Olivia and both went to the kitchen.
The next day, Olivia was coming back from school and saw the door open. She knew her grandma always locked the door whenever she was at home or work.
"Granny, granny are you back?" asked Olivia looking at the door reluctantly.
She didn't hear any response.
"What's happening and why did granny leave the door unlocked?" said Olivia noticing the door was not locked inside.
She opened the door and saw the house was quite unusual.
"Granny, where are you?" shouted Olivia feeling intense opening the kitchen door. She quickly ran inside the room and started shouting her grandma's name. "Granny, where are you!" shouted Olivia heart pounding
"I'm inside dear!" replied Grandma softly from inside the living room. Olivia quickly entered the room.
"Good afternoon granny," she said standing at the door and she was surprised to see her lying down. "That was unusual of her grandma," she thought to herself. "It's either she was cooking or doing one thing or the other." she thought to herself
"Welcome my dear and how was school today?" asked Grandma.
Olivia was shocked to see her grandmother's face pale and quickly rushed to her side.

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