In the classroom

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"I thought you guys are not coming today." said Jacob suddenly.
"And were you guys up to something?" added Anna curiously and said again "Or are you staying with Peter now!" giggled Anna, and turned over to Olivia sheepishly.
Olivia rolled her eyes at Anna, embarrassed, she was short of words and looked over to Peter for help. And Peter eventually helped her out.
"Why would you say that, we both met on our way coming to school." said Peter laughing "How are you doing Anna and Jacob?" Peter quickly added and he shaked hands with Jacob along
"I'm fine Peter!" replied Anna smiling flirtatiously at Peter
"I'm fine dude." replied Jacob too both exchanged handsome shake.
"All settled down!" shouted the English teacher at the door.
Olivia quickly sat down, while Peter and Jacob rushed back to their seats.
"Who can remind me our last topic? and you must not open your notebooks!" said the English teacher immediately and she was looking eagerly to the class students for response
Olivia quickly raised her hands instantly to answer the question.
"No Olivia! I want someone else." said the English teacher.
Everyone knew Olivia was a smart girl, so therefore the English teacher wanted someone else to answer the question.
"Hi ma'am!" Peter diverted her from her thought.
"Not you head boy! I want someone else..." There was perfect silence and she could see no one was raising their hands. "Is it only Olivia and Peter that I have in this class?" asked the English teacher surprisedly at the numbers of students that were sitting down with their hands down down.
Jacob raised his hands to answer the question.
"No class prefect! I want someone else." said the English teacher to Jacob. Jacob was the class prefect, he was also a smart boy but he was shy and didn't make friends with other students in the class.
"Who else?" asked the English teacher, looking at the remaining students
"Juliet, Sandra, Paul, Sharon?" called the English teacher.
They were all looking at the English teacher muted.
"You don't know the last topic?" asked the English teacher from the others students bewildered
Anna quickly asked Olivia to tell her before the English teacher would look at her direction. "Please Olivia." Anna, begged Olivia quietly. And finally Olivia told her and she stood up to answer the question.
"Yes Anna!" Everyone was surprised to see Anna stood up to answered the question.
"What! Anna!" They were all amazed while someone of them were dumbfounded.
"Oral speech!" said Anna confidently.
"Correct! Class clap for her." declared the English teacher
Everyone clapped for Anna but they all knew it was Olivia that told her. Anna was a dullard and was the opposite of Olivia. She was lousy, stubborn and proud. Anna felt overwhelmed for the first time. She was grateful to Olivia.
This was the first time her classmates would clapped for her and she knew they all knew it was Olivia that told her. "Anyway that doesn't matter," Anna thought to herself and smiled inwardly.
That was the more reason Anna liked sitting with Olivia because of her intelligent. Anna only wanted Olivia to be her seat mate just because she knew Olivia was a life saver during her tests and exams.
Anna's was from a rich family, the main reason they brought her to the school was because her uncle was the principal of the school and would be able to monitor Anna well. Peter was also from a rich family unlike Olivia and Jacob both were from average families. Anna had been thinking of getting married to Peter someday because she thought Peter was handsome, intelligent and was from a rich kid too. She never noticed Jacob, who always adore her over other girls in the classroom.
Anna thought Jacob was a nerd, a boring guy who could never be an interesting guy to her.
After the English session class ended, the students started chatting with their friends. They were all making noise, some were busy chatting with their friends while some were dancing and playing music in the classroom. The students were all happy that the period had ended for the English session.
"Class please minimize the noise. The maths teacher will soon enter the class!" announced Jacob the class captain to his fellow classmates
"Alright!" shouted one of the class students
Anna quickly turned to Olivia to thank her.
"Thanks Olivia, you're a life saver." said Anna grinning.
"You're welcome Anna." said Olivia smiled.
"Settled down class, the maths teacher is coming now!" shouted a boy from the door and there was a perfect silence.
The school had closed for the day and the four kids were walking down the lane; Peter, Olivia, Jacob and Anna.
"Next week is your birthday right?" asked Anna suddenly and turned directly to Peter
"Yes..." Peter was surprised, Anna could remember his birthday "And how did you know Anna?" asked Peter anxiously
"Have you forgotten the three of us used to celebrate your birthday every year at your house?" said Anna, she reminded him.
"I know you guys did! Am surprised you still remember the date." said Peter innocently.
Peter wasn't aware of Anna flirtation towards him only Olivia and Jacob noticed that
"Although Olivia's your best friend, yet she couldn't remember your birthday." said Anna scornfully, she wanted Olivia to get jealous
Olivia was annoyed with what Anna just said but she quickly shove it off and said "It's not a big deal you remembered the date Anna. Thanks for reminding us." said Olivia chuckled, everyone laughed quietly
Anna didn't expected Olivia to replied her kindly she was expecting her to act annoyed and jealous.
"Uhmn!" said Anna mumbled, not pleased with Olivia reaction
"Why did you remember the date?" asked Jacob and turned to Anna. "There might be something you're not telling us." asked Jacob gazing at Anna intently. he wanted to know her intentions
Anna was speechless and didn't know what to say at the moment. Both Olivia and Peter looked over to Anna to answer the question Jacob asked her. Peter noticed she was lost of words and he helped her out
"It's alright Anna and i appreciate you for remembering my birthday." said Peter gently, he smiled at Anna and this made Anna to blushed.
Olivia wanted to laugh and that led to cough.
"Are you okay?" asked Peter surprised
"Am fine!" Olivia smirked at Peter playfully
"This is where we'll say goodbye Olivia and Peter!" said Jacob suddenly.
"Good bye guys!" said Olivia and Peter in unison and Jacob and Anna left for their houses together.
"Have you called grandma?" asked Peter suddenly
"That's what I want to do now!" replied Olivia checking her bag to bring out her small phone

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