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Olivia later arrived home from school, she was the only one at home with Fred. Both Ben and Anita had gone for their piano and music classes. Olivia was done with her homework and she was reading "The Witness." by Sandra brown.
A sound was heard from the doorknob.
"Who's that?" asked Olivia.
"It's me, Fred!"replied from the door.
"Fred?"she was dumbfounded.
"Yes." he said gently
"What do you want?" asked Olivia astonished
"Can you please open the door," said Fred softly
"Okay am coming." Olivia quickly got up to open the door and Fred was grinning at her when she finally opened the door.
"Yes, what do you want Alfred?" she asked him again questioning at his strange attitude
"It's Fred dear. You can call me Fred!" he said grinning
"Huh?" she was surprised at him
"Are you busy Olivia?" he said suddenly
"Why?" she asked staring at him suspiciously
"If you're not busy I'd like you to stroll out with me Olivia." he replied gently
"I'm busy, can you please excuse me?" said Olivia quickly and she closed the door at him rudely
"Alright." he replied and turned away from the door dejected
"What! I should stroll out with Alfred... really?" she said talking to herself bewildered "Was it because of what happened at the party, that changed his attitude?" Olivia was confused and puzzled at the same time "This is unlike Alfred and I remembered he said I shouldn't call him Fred or maybe he has changed." she said pacing up and down. "And moreover I'm done with my homework. Or should I go out with him he can't harm me and I shouldn't be scared of him." she said inwardly confused
Olivia quickly rushed out to meet Fred and he was happy that Olivia, had finally accepted to scroll out with him.
Both of them walked down the street and of a sudden, Olivia asked him what had been bothering her about his strange attitude.
"Alfred?" she called gently
"You can call me Fred." he said softly
"Really?" Olivia was surprised and he nodded his head in agreement
"What's up with the behavior, why the sudden change. What happened?" asked Olivia gazing at him suspiciously. Everything looks suspicious to Olivia and she wants to get the truth from him 
"Nothing actually I just realized the truth from what you said last night." he said gently "And I'm sorry Olivia if I had hurt you anyway with my bad attitude." he said pleading.
"Uhmn." replied Olivia uncertainly.
"Are we friends now?" asked Fred
"Friends?" Olivia chuckled
"Yes." he said grinning
"I can't say for now, until I'm convinced that you've really changed before we can be friends." replied Olivia frankly
"Alright you'll find out soon." he said chuckled. "Have you been to the water falls before?" he asked suddenly
"No." she replied brightly, and couldn't wait to see what it looks like
"Whoa, you are missing girl!" he said proudly
"Really?" she asked intriguing
"I can see you're an indoor girl." he said smiled
"Yes I am." She replied innocently
"That's bad. I promise to show you round the town before you go back to your house." he said confidently
"Will you?" she asked surprisedly at him
"Yes. Okay let's go to the water falls now, we need to get a taxi." he said and stopped a taxi heading over to their place
Olivia was thrilled on getting to the place. She saw the water falls under the rock. It was so refreshing and warmed at the same time.
"Have you seen cold and hot water together before?" asked Fred softly
"I have heard about that, from grandma." replied Olivia softly
"Let's go over there." They both went out to the other part at the waterfall
Fred showed her the cold water and also the hot water. "Can you feel that Olivia?" he said cheerfully
"Whoa whoa whoa!" she exclaimed. "This looks like magic, God is great." she shouted happily
"Really?" he asked
"Yes, God is so great!" she replied happily
"Spare me that." he said in a sarcastic manner.
"What?" Olivia was shocked.
"I don't believe in that though." declared Fred indifferently
"You don't believe in God?" she was taken back and looked at him as if she saw a ghost standing
"Yes!" he replied nonchalantly
"But why? Your mom believe in God and your siblings too." she said perplexed
"They believe in God, but I don't." he said dryly.
Olivia could see the pain in his eyes. That was the first time he could see Fred in a troubled state. She didn't expected Fred to be an unbeliever. She knew some people didn't believe in God but not Fred actually.
"Why if I'd tell you there's God." she said gently
"I don't want to talk about it please." he replied abruptly
"Okay, whatever it is Fred. I just want to assure you, that God loves you!" she said with all sincerity in her heart.
Fred was softened by her words and this was the first time he could ever felt relaxed and cool. Fred was shocking surprised at the same time
"Fred, I think we should get going now." said Olivia, she brought him back to the present.
"Yes let's go." he said and was relaxed again
"Thanks for bringing me here Fred, I'm happy to discover another beautiful thing here." she said gratefully
"You're welcome Olivia!" he said smiling at her
They both left the waterfall and went home directly. Fortunately for Alfred his siblings are not yet back and Olivia quickly rushed inside the kitchen to prepare the dinner before Mrs Smith return back home and the kids.

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