Answered prayers

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Peter ran after Olivia, and he escorted her out. Olivia took a bus going to her grandmother's work place. On getting there,
Fred was waiting for Olivia at the balcony. He was waiting for her eagerly to delivered the good news to her first.
"Fred." Olivia sighted him, surprised to see him sitting down alone in a deep thought.
"Olly, you're back?" asked Fred and quickly stood up to meet her
"Yes Fred." she replied him and smiled softly "I think am used to Fred calling me Olly now." Olivia said inwardly and brushed the strange feelings away, she was having, and she started heading to the front door before he stopped her halfway.
"Olly guess what?" said Fred, smiling happily at Olivia
"What's that?" Olivia was amazed to see his happy, smiling face and sensed something good had happened to him
"We won the match!" he screamed joyfully.
"Whoa! Really?" she was excited for the good news
"Yes Olly, God did prayers. God is real!" he said excitedly.
"You can say that again dear." she said happily for him, and unexpectedly, Fred hugged Olivia tenderly
Olivia was stunned for a second, and she returned the hug back gently.
"What's happening here?" entered Benjamin, he was surprised to see the two of them hugging. Ben remembered the game and wanted to warn Olivia to be careful with his brother.
"Fred department won the trophy in a match competition!" said Olivia happily
"What match?" asked Ben curiously
"The departmental match." replied Fred smiling
"You mean, science class won?" asked Ben amazed
"Yes." replied Fred joyfully
"Whoa! Am so happy for you bro, most especially for your department, remember I like science class?" said Ben delighted. He turned to Fred, looking at him cheerfully
"Yeah you'd told me when you get to senior class. You will join science department." replied Fred happily
"Congratulations to you bro, once again am happy for you winning the match this time around!" said Ben  pleased to heard the good news.
"Thanks kiddo." said Fred smiling happily
"I'm going inside Fred, we'll see later." said Olivia turned to leave
"Okay Olly, when you're done text me, will you?" said Fred softly
"I forgot to tell you, my phone fell inside the water and it has spoiled now." she said nonchalantly.
"Really! You mean your old Nokia phone has spoiled?" asked Fred concerned and Olivia shook her head,  affirmatively
"You need a new phone Olly!" said Fred gently
"I know. I'll get it later when the time comes." said Olivia turned to walk away.
"Really! When?" asked Fred
"I don't know, maybe when I finished secondary school." replied Olivia
"What! That's far though." exclaimed Fred
"It's not far anymore." replied Olivia
"Alright if you say so. You can go ahead I'll join you guys inside later." said Fred to Olivia and Ben, he turned to move away
"Okay bye." said Olivia abruptly and rushed inside, while Fred started walking away
"Fred! Please wait." shouted Ben at his brother. Fred quickly turned back to his brother
"What's it Ben?" Fred turned around and faced his brother directly
"I wanted to ask you something Fred." said Ben gazing at Fred
"What's that?" asked Fred questionably with his eyes brow at his brother
"Are you guys dating now?" asked Ben suddenly. Ben wanted to know what's going on between his brother and Olivia. He wanted to know his brother real intention towards Olivia.
Ben didn't want Olivia to get hurt by his brother. He thought Olivia's kind, smart and nice to everyone.
"Who are you talking about?" Fred was surprised with the question, Ben was asking him
"You and Olivia!" said Ben gazing at him intently
"We're friends. Can't you see?" said Fred indifferently.
"I don't think so, aren't you playing games with her?" asked Ben gently
"I'm not playing games with anyone, Fred. We're friends now. I think she's a nice and smart girl." said Fred chuckled and he noticed his brother was not move with the compliment, he made on Olivia,
"Really?" asked Ben again not pleased
"Yes lil bro. I can't harm Olivia. She's good to me and good to others in the house  Isn't it?" said Fred softly
"Yes she's nice. I like Olivia and I don't want you to hurt her." added Ben lovely
"I like her too and I can't hurt her." replied Fred quickly and was surprised at his brother, for the first time,
"Ben could be fond of  someone apart from their own family" said Fred inwardly and smiled "And please don't mention any games again Ben. If you want the wrist watch I can give it to you." said Fred cheerfully.
"Really! You mean you'll give me the wrist watch?" asked Ben surprised 
"You heard me right. I'm going out now please." replied Fred quickly and turned away.
"I hope everything he said is true, if not I'll just go and tell Olivia everything about the game." said Ben inwardly, he thought to himself.
Olivia's birthday came up the following day, she was back from school excited and ran inside to greet her grandma firstly.
"Granny, granny are you inside?" Olivia tiptoe to the door quietly opened the door gently.
"Yes dear." replied grandma "Happy birthday sweetie wishing you long life and prosperity hip hip hip hurray!" shouted grandma happily and hugged Olivia affectionately
"Wow, I love this!" said the housekeeper immediately and she stepped inside the room
"Happy birthday Olivia."  said the house keeper happily
"Thanks ma!" replied Olivia joyfully and, someone was knocking at the door gently
"Who's that?" asked the housekeeper and she opened the door. Ben was standing at the door and he was beckoning to Olivia to come outside.
"I'm coming Ben, give me five minutes!" said Olivia, she returned to her grandma
"This is for you dear!" said grandma, she handed Olivia a small parcel
"Wow, thanks grandma I didn't know you had something to give me on my birthday." said Olivia admirably and she was thrilled with the small gift
"No matter how small it's, remember I love you baby girl." said grandma cheerfully.
Grandma was pleased that Olivia was happy with the gift. They both hugged themselves joyfully
"Wow! I feel like crying!" said the house keeper smiling happily for Olivia and her grandmother. Olivia giggled and grandma laughed softly
"Granny I'll be right back." said Olivia, she quickly rushed out with Ben to the sitting room.
"You called me Ben, what's it?" asked Olivia immediately she stepped into the sitting room
"Just keep on following me, you'd be thrilled when you see it yourself." replied Ben grinning
"Uhmn." said Olivia dumbfounded
Outside the veranda, it was decorated with beautiful colored ribbons and some set of chairs was arranged. Olivia was thrilled and screamed with excitement, she didn't think anyone would do such a special thing for her on her birthday. She was happy at the moment and was lost of words.
"Birthday girl!" shouted Anita happily and hugged her affectionately
"Thanks Anita." said Olivia delighted and she added "Who planned all this?" asked Olivia
"My brother and I." replied Anita cheerfully "Since this is your first time, of celebrating your birthday outside your grandma house. And we thought of making it in a special way for you. said Anita smiled "So girl, this year birthday is the best birthday to be remember for good hope you know."  grinned Anita
"Wow! This is so beautiful!" said Olivia emotionally "I love you guys!" she hugged Anita and Ben at the same time. "I don't know how to thank you guys. May God bless you guys." said Olivia gratefully and she was full of excitement
"Amen and you're welcome!" Ben and Anita said in unison.
Fred entered, carrying a tray of soft drinks. He poured the drinks into four glasses and shared it to all of them.
"Before we start, I would like us to make a toast as one happy family." they all shouted with Joy "Cheers to your new age Olly and a new beginning of friendship." said Fred cheerfully
They all make a toast and Henry, Cece entered inside at the moment.
"Wow, this is beautiful." admitted Henry pleased
"Thanks Henry." said Anita happily
"Happy birthday Olivia, nice meeting you again." said Henry he turned to Olivia
"Thanks Henry." said Olivia kindly
"Happy birthday Olivia." said Cecelia proud ful and enviously
"Thanks Cecilia." replied Olivia, she was surprised to see Cecelia at her birthday party. "I know it's Fred that invited Cecelia. It's my birthday anyway. No one is exempted. I hope Peter come over here too!" Olivia thought to herself happily
"You're welcome." said Cecelia scornfully.
Olivia noticed the sarcasm in Cecelia voice, so she decided to ignored her.
"You guys should all sit down and let the party begin." said Ben excitedly
After a while, the gate man entered and beckoned to Anita to come outside, because someone was waiting for her at the door
"Any problem sir?" asked Anita immediately, she was out from the guys
"Someone's at the door asking for you" said the gateman gently
"Really, who could that be?" surprised Anita. She followed the gateman to the door and saw Peter standing akimbo.
"I think this Olivia's best friend. She always talk about." Anita thought to herself inwardly
"Hello." said Anita politely
"Hi!" Peter was stunned to see Anita, instead of Olivia. He noticed Anita was gorgeous beautiful and was thinking who could she be.
"You're?" asked Anita, looking at Peter admirably. She noticed Peter had a short, curly and blonde hair cut. It makes him look cute.
"I'm Peter, Olivia's best friend right." replied Peter gently.
Peter noticed Anita was disturbed with his appearance
"Oh, you're Peter?"  shouted Anita suddenly
"Yes." Peter was surprised she knows him already
"Come inside please! Nice meeting you Peter." Anita extended her hands to him friendly "I'm Anita." she added briefly and smiled brightly
"It's my pleasure." replied Peter politely
"Olivia had really talked about you. You must be special to her." said Anita cheerfully
"Really?" Peter blushed and was happy to heard that from her and at the same time he was pleased talking to Anita.
Anita seems pleasant in her personality with Peter and that made Peter attracted by her at first sight.

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