The truth

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Fred moved closer to Olivia and asked her
"Olivia did you see the wristwatch?" asked Fred gently "Did you take the wristwatch Olivia?" asked Fred again
Fred waited for Olivia to reply him but she didn't responded as expected. He was getting impatiently and said "Olivia am waiting. How did the wrist watch entered your bag?" asked Fred impatiently
"You don't trust me Fred!" replied Olivia dejectedly
"Maybe if you can just explain to me now. Moreover you and Anita are just the only people inside the room. How come the wrist watch entered your bag. That's what am confused about." said Fred bewildered
"I know you don't believe me. There's no how am going to explain  to you that would make you believe me." replied Olivia bitterly
"If you like the wrist watch badly you should have asked me Olivia. I'm very disappointed in you." said Fred disheartened and he walked away from her.
Olivia stood dumbfounded at the same spot, she couldn't move or do anything. Grandma entered inside the sitting room at the moment and heard everything Fred said to her granddaughter
"Olivia!" called her grandma gently
"Grandma!" Olivia bursted out emotionally and she was crying uncontrollably
"It's okay dear. I know you didn't steal the wrist watch. It's okay dear." said grandma. She moved closer to Olivia and patted her gently on her back.
"I'm very grateful you trusted me grandma. I don't know how the wrist watch entered my bag. Am still confused. Who do this to me intentionally?" asked Olivia confused.
"The culprit will be exposed soon dear. Go and get your bag and take this money with you. I will get home back in the evening." replied grandma softly
"Okay ma. I will go and get my bag now." Olivia gathered her belongings from Anita's room and she left their Smith's family house. The week was midterm break for all students at the period. Olivia spent the remaining days with Peter at their house.
Peter was glad to see Olivia back home. He heard about the incident and concluded it was Cecelia that would did that to Olivia
"It's fine now Peter. I'm so glad you and grandma trusted me." said Olivia emotionally
"Don't worry Olivia. I'm still your one and only brother you got." chuckled Peter and Olivia laughed suddenly
"You see! I made you laugh again." shouted Peter happily
"Thanks Peter I don't know what I would have done if you're not with me here." replied Olivia affectionately
"You're welcome dear!" said Peter blushingly "Let's go out Olly." he said suddenly
"Okay but grandma will come home very soon. Let me quickly water the garden after that we can now go out!" replied Olivia softly
"Let's water it together then, shall we?" asked Peter cheerfully
"Alright." replied Olivia happily and they both went to the backyard to watered the plants.
At their Smith's house, Fred and his siblings were sitting in the sitting room having their siesta.
Anita was having her cornflakes, Fred was playing video games on his phone while Ben was watching the television. Suddenly Anita broke the silence.
"I don't think it's Olivia that stole the wrist watch. I just have that feeling though." said Anita solicitously
"Me too. I just felt someone did that to her purposely, but the other way round. I don't really know Olivia like that. I mean I don't know if she likes the wrist watch and mistakenly took it upon herself without asking for it. You know. No one is perfect." said Ben trying to turn blind eyes on Olivia's allegations
"Really?" asked Fred eyes wide opened
"Yes!" replied Ben thoughtfully
"Why would she took someone's property that's not cool. I can't be friends with such a person!" said Fred disappointed
"Really Fred?" asked Ben astonished
"Yes you heard me right!" replied Fred  cold-hearted
"I thought you like her!" shouted Ben disappointed
"Yes I do but I don't like stealing." replied Fred frankly
Cecelia entered the sitting room  unexpectedly and she shouted
"Hi everyone!!!" said Cece smiling
"Hi Cece!" said Ben and Anita surprised
"What's wrong Fred?" asked Cece, she noticed Fred didn't greeted her
"Nothing just pissed up!" replied Fred dryly
"Really what happened?" asked Cece
"Did you see any wrist watch the day you came here?" asked Fred anxiously.
Fred wanted to believe in his heart that Olivia didn't take the wrist watch but his brain wouldn't allowed him to rest. Fred missed Olivia absence and the same time he was still furious about the wrist watch incident
"Yes I saw it!" said Cece nonchalantly
"Really at where?" asked Anita
"With Olivia!" replied Cece
"Really?" asked Ben surprisedly
"Yes, I asked her about it though. She said Fred gave it to her. Did you?" Cece turned to Fred in a pretending manner
"No I don't!" replied Fred surprisedly "And are you sure of what you're saying. I mean did Olivia said that to you?" asked Fred looking intently at Cece. Fred knew Cece wasn't a saint  either but he didn't think of Cece back claiming Olivia
"You can called her and ask her. I saw her dropped the wrist watch In her bag before I left the room!" replied Cece confidently
"Really?" surprised Ben
"But Olivia was with Anita in the room when my mom left the house and my mom said she wanted to wear the wrist watch that was when you entered." said Fred frankly looking at Cece bewildered
Someone was knocking at the door and everyone was surprised who could be. Henry came inside the house with a wide grin on his.
"Hello everyone!" shouted Henry smiling
"Hi Henry!" said Anita, she was happy to see Henry back in their house. She had forgotten about the incident that happened at her last birthday party. Anita still had feeling for Henry even though she knew the truth that Henry adored Cece.
"What up guys?" asked Henry looking over to Fred
"I'm fine!" replied Fred
"Am I pursuing you Anita?" asked Henry, he sat down on the sofa and noticed Anita stood up with his little brother Ben about to get out from the room
"Ben and I need to get somewhere, see you guys later bye!" replied Anita quickly, she dragged Ben's hands and they went outside
"What's happening here?" asked Henry looking over to Cece. Henry noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere he met everyone sitting
"We're talking about Olivia!" replied Cece brightly
"What's up with Olivia?" asked Henry
"I don't really know actually you can ask Fred!" said Cece pretending
"My mom was looking for her wristwatch and eventually we saw the wrist watch inside Olivia's bag. Cece said she saw the wrist watch with Olivia and she said that I gave her the wrist watch. So that was what I was asking Cece when you entered just now." said Fred unhappily
Henry was shocked for some moment and he looked at Cece and remembered what Cece said to him earlier about her statement "I can prove to you soon that Fred can't fall in love with Olivia." he remembered the statement and said frankly
"Do you believe Cece is telling the truth or will you ask Olivia yourself and confirmed?" asked Henry
"I'm confused guy!" replied Fred helplessly
"That means you don't trust Olivia, isn't it?" asked Henry disappointed
Henry had begun to like Olivia recently. He knew Olivia's a nice and charming girl even though she came from poor background
"Why would he trust someone from lowly background. It's uncalled for jeez!" exclaimed Cece angrily
"It's alright Cece! I know what to do!" Fred stood up suddenly about to go out
"Where are you going?" asked Henry
"Will you follow me?" said Fred
"Where actually?" asked Henry
"Olivia's place of course!" replied Fred
"I will follow you and I can prove it to you, I'm saying the truth." said Cece acting up again
"Okay let's go!" replied Fred
The three of them got to Olivia's compound, they met her coming back from outing with Peter on her side. Immediately Fred noticed Peter, he was furious and jealous at the same time. Cece noticed Fred mood and quickly used that opportunity to plan her wicked mischievous act.
"Olivia here you're!" said Cece scornfully
"Hi Olivia!" said Henry smiling
"Hi Henry!" replied Olivia politely, she was surprised to see the three rich kids in their house
"Who's he?" said Cece looking down at Peter irritated from head to toe
"I'm her companion, anything?" said Peter surprisedly
"What?" shouted Cece, she couldn't believe Peter called Olivia's his companion
"So you're a partner to a thief huh?" said Cece offensive
"How dare you call her a thief!" annoyed Peter suddenly
"Ignore her Peter!" said Olivia annoyed
"So you can speak ehen." said Cece furious
"Olivia I came to confirm from you." said Fred suddenly
"What's that?" Olivia was still angry with Fred for not believing in her, but she decided not to show her how disappointed she felt.
"Cece can you please repeat what you said earlier at my house." said Fred frankly
"Yes I will. For I'm not scared of someone lowly like you. Didn't you said the wrist watch is for you Olivia?" said Cece sarcastically
"What? me! When!" asked Olivia confused
"I know you'll deny it. Fred she told me you bought the wrist watch for her as another gift and she added you ask her to be your girlfriend isn't it?" said Cece winked wickedly, she knew Fred would ask Olivia to be his girlfriend sooner or later and she thought it was an opportunity for her to use it against Olivia
"When?" shouted Fred, he was surprised in himself. He knew he would ask Olivia to be his girlfriend soon but he was surprised that would be coming from Olivia telling a stranger instead of him
"You're a liar Cece. Fred and I wasn't dating and how could I said that." said Olivia defensive
"I know you and Fred weren't dating but you lied to me because of the wrist watch isn't it?" said Cece cajoling Olivia
"No, it is not. I didn't take the wrist watch. You planted it inside my bag. You did Cece." screamed Olivia
Fred was taken back, he never thought it that way, Cece could planted it inside Olivia's bag
"Really Cece?" Fred eyes turned red
"What don't listen to this gold digger!" shouted Cece
"Who's gold digger? Aren't you the one forcing yourself on Fred slut!" said Olivia very annoyed, she never liked people calling her a gold digger and she didn't knew she had called already utter the word slut before she could correct mistake.
Cece was very furious and she raised her hands up to slap Olivia hard on her face, Peter had quickly saw it coming and he caught Cece's hands roughly and said to her
"You can't slap her you know that!" said Peter defensively
"Take your stinging hands off me." shouted Cece, Peter later dropped her down 
"Olivia let's go!" said Peter, he dragged Olivia's hands softly and the both of them went inside the house.
Fred was shocked and at the same jealous, with the way Peter protected Olivia's from being slapped.
"Let's go Henry!" said Fred, he left Cece alone at the spot since the truth had occurred to him now.
"Fred Henry will you guys wait for me!" pleaded Cece breathlessly and they didn't answer her "Whoa! So you guys are leaving me here huh?" said Cece disappointed. After some minutes Cecelia was worried and scared and thought to herself
"Let me find myself a cab here, I can't be walking in this tarred environment!" said Cece inwardly

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