Family's home evening

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Olivia was shown round the house, she was thrilled about the swimming pool, she saw at the backyard.
"Wow, what an amazing view!" thought Olivia inwardly. She noticed the building's structure and the painting, Olivia was fascinated by it and thought to herself and said "Mrs Smith is a big woman, she had her high taste for interior designer. I mean look at the building, what a beautiful house!" said Olivia eyes wide opened and Anita cut her off from her thought.
"Olivia, this way please!" said Anita cheerfully, and she was holding her hands playfully. Ben turned and caught a glance at the new cook. He noticed she was smiling brightly and their eyes met and Ben quickly turned his face sideways shyly
"Okay!" replied Olivia smiling face and she felt relaxed being around the two kids.
Mrs Smith was a good woman, who believe in fairness and equality, she believes in doing good to others.
"If you do good, it will definitely come back to you one day." That was Mrs Smith's philosophy quotes to her kids but unfortunately Alfred didn't abide with the principles, he only believe himself and no one else.
Ben and Anita had actually had keen interests in Olivia which was weird. Anita couldn't fathom why she liked Olivia all of a sudden maybe because of her charisma or her beauty. Even Ben was charmed by her too. But there was only one person that was not charmed by Olivia and that was Alfred. He was a different guy from the beginning, everyone knew he was a bad spoilt guy that doesn't listen to what anyone says to him. He likes doing things on his own. He's a man of his words. He didn't seen any thing special about Olivia.
Alfred sees Olivia like an ordinary cook, nerd and a dumb girl too, which could never be in his standard.
At night, Olivia had finished cooking the meal and she was asked to join the kids on the dining table by Mrs Smith ordered. At first Olivia was a bit uncomfortable eating with the children but later felt relaxed when Ben made a very good remarks on her meals.
"This food is yummy!" said Ben smiling, with his mouth full with spaghetti sauce.
"You can say that again Ben." admitted Anita chewing the food delighted and Olivia smiled brightly
"Uhmn! Am happy you guys like Olivia's food." said Mrs Smith satisfied with the meal Olivia cooked "And Olivia thanks for the help. Hope there's nothing wrong with your stay here dear?" asked Mrs Smith concerned for Olivia's loneliness
"No ma'am." replied Olivia gently and she quickly added "And am happy to hear grandma is responding to treatment, thank you very much ma!" said Olivia gratefully.
Ben was softened with her words and he smiled at her
"I'm happy to hear that and stop thanking me dear. You and your grandma are just a lovingly people. So dear feel free at home!" declared Mrs Smiths softly "And one more thing Olivia, if there's anything you need don't hesitate to ask me!" added Mrs Smith nicely at the young girl "Have you all been introduced?" asked Mrs Smith suddenly looking over from her kids.
"Yes mum!" replied Ben giggled and he added "Olivia's nice and I found her funny and friendly." Ben winked at Olivia playfully And Olivia chuckled.
"Yes she's friendly and I'm surprised at myself, I like her too!" Anita agreed with Ben with the remarks made on Olivia and Olivia was happy to heard that coming from the two kids
"Wow! Olivia must be a special girl!" said Mrs Smith chuckled, she was pleased with her children compliment.
Alfred was getting irritated with the conversation and he got up from the dinning table to excused himself from others
"And what about you Fred?" asked his mother gently
"What about what?" said Ben in a sarcastic manner.
"Have you two met?" asked his mother softly again
"Yes, she's just the cook, isn't it?" asked Alfred rudely.
"Uhmn!" said his mother offended with his son remarks on Olivia and Alfred excused himself to his room.
"Olivia don't mind him, that's Fred for you." said Ben "He's just acting weird!" continued Ben and chuckled.
"Weird, you're right Ben!" giggled Anita
"And mummy. I asked Olivia to come sleep in my room she declined. I don't know if she's afraid of you or something!" said Anita sadly
"Is that true Olivia?" asked Mrs Smith surprised
"No that's not true ma'am, I'm just good with the room I squat with miss Rose!" replied Olivia carefully.
"I didn't say the room isn't good there Olivia!" cut in Annie immediately "I just wanted you around me, that's all!" said Anita meekly
"Olivia, please don't see me like a boss, you can see me like a mother too. Please honey I want you to be free with your stay here. You're not a slave here, please know that dear." said Mrs Smith kindly
"Alright ma." said Olivia pleased and she smiled at Anita shyly
"You mean, you'll sleep in my room?" asked Anita quickly.
"Yes!"replied Olivia softly
"Thank you!" said Anita jumped up joyfully from the dinning table. She quickly got up and dragged Olivia gently down the hall to get her belongings.
"Really?" chuckled Mrs Smith, eyes widened at the two girls behavior's
"Those two are just like blood sisters!" admitted Ben laughing
"Yeah you're right Son." agreed his mom smiling "And I'm happy you guys like her, and I hope Fred do like her too! You know she doesn't have anyone apart from her grandmother and I would be happy if you guys could be friends with her!" said his mom tenderhearted
"We're friends already mum!" said Ben smiling face
"That's my boy!" said his mom laughing "Can you get me my pain relief from my drawer, dear?" asked Mrs Smith softly
"Okay mum," Ben got up from the dinning to his mom's room and Mrs Smith excused herself to the sitting room.

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