Work begins 2

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Olivia later called her grandmother, she was happy to heard from her grandma. The doctor told her, Mrs bill had been responding to treatment. Olivia was joyfully for the feedback, and she quickly waved Peter goodbye and started heading to Mrs Smith house.
Inside the kitchen, after she had changed to her causal dress, she was putting on a short gown underneath her knee and the apron on top of the gown. She was about to ask the house keeper what she would prepare for lunch and she said
"Excuse ma, what am I preparing for lunch?" asked Olivia politely
The housekeeper looked over to her and said softly "You don't have to prepare anything now dear, the kids will sort themselves out with junks or anything and moreover they're grown up kids." said the house keeper softly
And the housekeeper added again and turned to her "And till evening before you will cook anything, understood?" said the housekeeper smiling softly
"Yes ma'am!..." Olivia was cut off from the sound she heard from the kitchen door and she looked towards the door.
Anita entered the kitchen looking around, she was thrilled to see Olivia, someone like her age putting on apron and holding kitchen utensils. Olivia was standing looking like a beauty pageant
"Is this the new cook, Mrs Rose?" asked Anita eyes wide open. She was the second child and only daughter of Mrs Smith's family. She had passion for dancing and singing . And That made Mrs Smith heart sank because she was looking for an heir that'll take over the family business.
Fred in the other hand was not competent and not interested to take over of the business because of his waywardness and rudeness and Ben was still very young to control the family business.
"Yes Anita!" replied the housekeeper stunned at her reaction.
Anita hugged Olivia unexpectedly and she said to Olivia "My name is Anita but you can call me Annie because I like you!" smiled Anita happily and continued "And what's your name?" asked Annie clasping hands
"My name is Olivia! Nice meeting you." replied Olivia gently and she was astonished at Anita's sudden interest on her.
Olivia looked over at Anita and she saw the beautiful smile on her face. Olivia was fascinated and she thought to herself inwardly "I've never met someone like this before, she's friendly at first sight and charming at the same time." said Olivia to herself, laughing
"Wow, what a beautiful name!" said Annie clapping "I must introduce you to my brothers, follow me please!"said Anita and dragged Olivia's hands softly. Olivia didn't know what to say, she just nodded and said her stomach flipped
"Uhmn, please wait!" Olivia was contemplating within herself to follow Anita to the sitting room"It could be so unfair of me to deny her request." and Olivia looked over to the house keeper for she was helplessly and Mrs Rose was beckoning to Olivia to follow Anita. So Olivia finally decided to followed Anita to the sitting room and Anita was excited and she dragged her hands softly.
The housekeeper was mouth wide opened for a seconds and she said to herself "When did Anita started making friends with strangers. Am I dreaming?" she said astonished
at Anita's sudden interest on Olivia "Anita is a fashionista girl, she doesn't like hanging out with low people but it is surprisingly she's making friends with a mere cook! Olivia must really be a special girl."said the house keeper eyes wide opened "It's good anyway." added the house keeper smiling face and she continued cleaning the kitchen desk.
Back inside the sitting room, Olivia was standing beside her and Anita was holding her hands like a little toddler. It made Olivia uncomfortable.
"Fred, Ben you guys should come out here, I've surprise for you both!" exclaimed Anita smiled
Ben was the first person to came out and followed by Fred.
"Who's she?" asked Ben immediately he noticed Olivia standing with his sister and she was putting on apron with her slippers that looks like a mouse. Ben chuckled inwardly and he thought of Olivia being funny
"I think I've seen you before!" said Fred indifferent and he was looking at Olivia scanning her from her head to toe. he saw the slippers and he was stunned "Whoa local girl!" mumbled Fred quietly and laughed
Olivia noticed the devilish smiled on Fred lips, and she was like "What's funny with him?" Olivia thought to herself
"This is Olivia, our new cook!" declared Anita happily.
"I know!" said Fred rudely and said " Is that the reason why you called me Annie?" asked Fred annoyed with his sister strange attitude
"I didn't know you've met her Fred!" replied Anita gently and she turned to Olivia "Olivia, this Benjamin we called him Ben and that's Alfred we called him Fred..." said Anita
Fred quickly stopped Anita from talking "It's Alfred, don't ever call me Fred understand!" said Fred threatening Olivia
"Fred!" shouted Anita back at Fred suddenly.
"Yes Annie, she is not in position to call me Fred!" replied Fred frankly, and he turned away from his sister irritated
"Oh I got it, you're Alfred and he's Benjamin." said Olivia suddenly and Fred was stopped in his track and looked at Olivia stunned with her boldness. Their eyes met and Olivia looked away indifferently at him
"You can call me Ben," said Ben smiling at Olivia
"Really! Nice to meet you Ben!" said Olivia smiled back at Ben.
"Oh please excuse me!" declared Fred irritated and he walked away.
"Oh boring guy." said Anita chuckled
"Can we show Olivia around?" asked Ben pleased to see Olivia, she's bold, beautiful and funny
"Yes let's show Olivia around." agreed Anita with his brothers idea
"Okay, but I have to drop my apron inside." said Olivia gently.
"Bring it! Let me hang it here for you." said Anita friendly.
"Thanks!" said Olivia and she handed the apron to Annie.
"Let's go!" said Annie and she took Olivia hands gently and the three of them went outside.

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