The New Experience

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At Fred's school in the school cafeteria. Different kids were sitting down having their lunch with different meals cause it's lunch time. Fred and his classmates were sitting at the seniors corner. Fred was sitting beside his best friends, Henry and Cecelia.
"Guys today's my lil sis birthday!" declared Fred happily
"Really?" surprised Cece
Anita entered inside at the moment with her trays that contains banana, juice and snacks.
"Happy birthday Annie!" exclaimed Cece delighted
Annie was amazed at Cecilia and the same time she knew in her mind, it was his brother that told her.
"Thanks senior Cecilia."  said Annie smiled
"Happy birthday Annie!" said Henry
"Thanks Henry! Am expecting my gift." replied Annie precisely
"Okay girl." said Henry chuckled.
"Alright baby!" said Cece. Anita didn't like Cece calling her baby, she's only one year younger than Cece. Anita felt irritated anytime she called her that.
Cecelia like treating Annie like a doll, she likes doing that to her purposely because she knew Annie was beautiful than her and Annie had many friends in the school.
Annie was just like a super star of the school, just like her brother.
Cecelia couldn't stand that, even though she knew, she senior Annie with a class gap. Cecelia still feel inferior to her and felt jealous of her beauty. Cecelia was beautiful but not as tenderly as Annie.
Annie was tenderly beautiful and had the face of an half cast. Her nose was pointed. People usually thought she was from abroad.
Anita walked away from their seats and went to sit with her class mates.
At Mrs Smith's house. Olivia had gotten used to the house and the environment.
Olivia was back from school and was doing her assignments before Anita came to announced to her that they would be going out for her birthday party. Olivia was excited at the announcement and she quickly finished what she was doing.
Olivia had not attended any birthday party apart from Peter's birthday party and that only happened at  Peter's house with his family. Olivia wanted to know how it would feel like to hang out with Anita and her siblings and friends, she thought that would be fun. She smiled inwardly and said
"Can you please, give me ten minutes to finished my homework?" asked Olivia excited.
And Olivia remembered something suddenly "And I will be making dinner soon, Anita!" added Olivia sadly.
"Don't worry Olivia, today's free day for you and we will be out for long!" declared Anita happily.
"Really?" asked Olivia surprised.
"Yes Olivia!" Anita nodded firmly
"But I haven't stayed out for long Anita," said Olivia and remembered, she needs to tell her grandma.
"This is your chance Olivia, and you're not going out with strangers. You're going out with me anyway." said Anita smiled and urging her.
"I don't think I have any beautiful dress to wear to the party." said Olivia
"I'll give you mine sweetly, and please finished your assignment quickly." said Anita satisfied, and walking out to the door.
"Alright am almost done." replied Olivia softly and continued with her home work.
After some minutes, Olivia heard a sound from the door, she thought Anita forgot something again and she said
"Anita?" asked Olivia hesitantly, not looking up
Ben entered suddenly with a grin on his face.
"It's me Olivia!" said Ben grinning
"Oh Ben!" said Olivia "You scared me." said Olivia startled
"Am sorry dear, and what are you doing?" asked Ben gently looking at her work.
"I'm doing my assignment, and I don't know how to draw this skeleton well." said Olivia softly, she pointed at the diagram on her sheet
"Bring it dear, let me help you to draw." said Ben
"Do you know how to draw?" asked Olivia surprised, and handed the book to him.
"Watch and see Olivia." replied Ben grinning
"Okay!" Olivia was puzzled at him
After some minutes, Ben finished drawing the skeleton and Olivia was dumbfounded at his perfect drawing and hugged him immediately.
Anita came inside and was surprised to see the two of them hugging.
"What's happening here?" said Anita enquiring from Olivia.
"Nothing at all, just that Ben helped me with the assignment!" replied Olivia happily with a smile.
"That's great!" said Anita "And are you done now Olivia?" asked Anita gently.
"Yeah." replied Olivia cheerfully
"Can you excuse us, Ben?"  said Anita and turned to Olivia "Aren't you going to change your clothes for the party?"  said Anita to Olivia
"I will!" replied Olivia and she quickly got up
"Alright Olivia, you guys can take your time." said ben and he went out.
"Olivia, what do you think of wearing to the party." asked Anita wanted to know her kind of fashion.
"Anything fit able for the party!" replied Olivia grinning.
Anita opened her wardrobe and started looking for outfit that will fit Olivia for her birthday party. And finally she saw a gown , a long fitted gown that revealed only the leg's but covered all the parts of the body.
"Uhmn, this is long we're not going for a wedding." Anita thought to herself.
"Here's it Olivia!" Anita drew a short gown that's beneath the knees and looked fitted.
Olivia saw it and quickly said "No I'm not putting on that. It's short Anita!" said Olivia firmly
"Are you kidding me Olivia! This goes for the party jor." exclaimed Anita.
"I know, I'm not comfortable with short gown!" said Olivia reluctantly.
"Oh dear, don't worry about that, you'll be fine on it, trust me!" said Anita assuring her.
"Okay let me try it first!"  said Olivia finally agreed.
"That's my sis!" said Anita happily.
Olivia quickly pulled off the dress she was wearing before and changed to the dress Anita gave her.
"Can I look at the mirror now?" declared Olivia turning to reveal herself to Anita.
"This is gorgeous!" shouted Anita after seeing Olivia. 
Olivia was looking very pretty and shapely fit in the gown
"You can check the mirror." added Anita cheerfully, she excused herself from the standing mirror.
"Really?" asked Olivia surprised
Olivia checked herself on the mirror and she could see how beautiful she was. She was thrilled at the Image she saw on the mirror
"It looked good on me, but I'm a bit shy to go out on it." said Olivia shyly
"Don't worry sis, you got me." said Anita smiling. "And let me help fix your hair for you and before that let's go take a shower!" said Anita cheerfully
"Where's your dress Anita? You haven't shown me!" said Olivia suddenly
"Here's it Olivia!" said Anita "is my gown beautiful?" asked Anita eagerly
"Very beautiful dear, I love your gown!" said Olivia happily, and Anita was excitedly to hear that from Olivia
"Thanks dear! Let's go shower!" said Anita cheerfully
"Oh yeah!" replied Olivia softly and they headed out to the door

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