The Warriors Three And Lady Sif

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Author's P.O.V.

As much as both the parties wanted to and contrary to one's belief, the ride in the elevator was relatively quiet among the two aristocrats, each choosing to maintain the gravity of the situation.

Well, at least that's how it seemed.

While (Y/n) preferred to remain silent for the sake of the situation, Loki soaked in the warmth spread through the temperature controlled shaft which was quite the comfort in the chilly weather.

"Do you think---"

"I hope not.", The emerald eyed prince snapped, cutting the (y/e/c) eyed princess off as they stood in the elevator heading up.

To say she wasn't irritated would be a lie but even though the urge to snap back at him with equal ferocity didn't leave her, a part of Kaal knew this was the outcome of his fear which he concealed.

She gently allowed her fingers to brush against his, at which he turned towards the latter with a raised eyebrow.

She let out a laugh but the questioning eyebrow never left her.

"Anything comical, your highness?", He inquired using the nickname he seemed to have found for her. The princess shrugged.

"Just the thought that your brother is probably overreacting about the whole battle thing, Snowflake.", She countered, deciding to return the prince the favour.

It seemed as though he was satisfied by the silver tongue's answer when he withdrew the brow yet when he turned to her again, all (Y/n)'s hope was washed out.

"While I appreciate the optimism, it begs the question why?"

"Well Loki as far as I have noticed, as long as the troublemaker is away from a certain situation, it is never that severe.", A reply came in a serious voice. He pursed his lips and nodded, complying with the serious tone.

She didn't want to laugh at his antics but couldn't help it when he snapped his head towards her side and narrowed his eyes.

The laughter of the lady soon stopped reverberating through the space and, opposing one's either expectation or prejudice of him, Loki didn't retaliate with any venom, taking the joke in a sporting manner with a nod.

A warm silence spread over the two. Much like it, the Friggason had an unknown warm sensation tugging at his heart while the frost giant's lips tugged into a smile to match it, reviewing the crown princess's response in the comfortable silence.

"There is a reason behind why they call you arrogant, you know?", He teased leaning against the wall on his side on the right, crossing his arms.

She shrugged and cocked her head before adapting a position similar to the other's. The only difference was that she leant on the left.

"Or maybe I am just aware of my capabilities and elect to own up to them along with appreciating them generously.", (Y/n) countered. He felt his irises move in his socket as he formed a response.

"I am pretty sure that's the simple definition for arrogant, your highness.", He pointed. She shook her head.

"Not if it's not approved by either Oxford or Cambridge. Besides, I believe I have enough reasons to be arrogant.", She defended, standing straight in her spot once more. Her companion assessed her defence and posed a question of his own.

"Oh? And how so?" She had a confident glint added to the already present one in her eyes. Upon closer look, he discovered that not only was this glint confident, it was one of teasing too and oh, how he dreaded yet anticipated it.

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