A Saga of Surprises

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Ingrid, with her stiff posture and sharp gaze, relaxed, a ghost of a smile painted on her lips.

Ama's face broke into a wide grin, her effervescence apparently unfettered by the royal protocols.

And Astrid, yes, Astrid, her emerald eyes sparked into a vibrant flame, the mystery brewing another layer inside it.

"I would be overjoyed to have such spirited handmaidens during my stay," I continued warmly, looking at each of their faces, "And perhaps companions too. Tell Santa I couldn't find better elves."

The silence that followed rang heavy in my ears, the thumping of my heart accentuating the pause. Within a blink, the sisters erupted into laughter, their melodious mirth resonating in the grand hall, bouncing off the walls, leaving an echo, an imprint of a moment birthed from spontaneous joy. A moment where the royalty faded, where the strict, stern aura of Asgard willingly made way for that precious laughter.

From the corner of my eye, I caught Astrid wiping a tear from hers, a rare, genuine smile beaming on her face. Ama was laughing, her arms around her abdomen, while Ingrid, the strict, stern Ingrid, a clear laughter lined her lips, a rare softness in her gaze.

That moment, solitary and memorable, marked the beginning of an unusual, precious friendship within the mighty walls of Asgard. A journey that would traverse through the joys, sorrows, trials and triumphs, binding the four of us in an unbreakable camaraderie, a tale written in the golden saga of Asgard.


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"We were informed you wanted a nice, warm bath, Lady (Y/n)," reiterated Astrid, her lips curling in a soft smile that had the power to upturn even the grimmest of moods. Ama followed her sister's lead, her eyes gleaming with infectious excitement, and proposed with a big grin, "How about we get it ready for you?"

I nodded, my weary shoulders protesting sharply at the mere thought of comfort. I winced but managed to return their smiles, trying my best to mask the tiredness of a day filled with drama. "I'd really appreciate it, ladies," I murmured gratefully.

Ama's laughter filled the room- a melodious sound that echoed the joyous life force of Asgard. A quick curtsy, and the sisters set to work. Ingrid, always practical in her household strategies, rushed to the bathing room. Soon, whispers of steam teased the chill from the air, and the embrace of warm water promised tender relief.

Meanwhile, Ama transformed into a skilled alchemist, mixing delectable concoctions of essential oils, perfumes, and soaps. Mysteriously appearing glass bottles glowed with vibrant mixtures, their aromas soon perfuming the room with a serenity only found in Asgard's hidden groves.

Astrid, the queen of coordination, busied herself sifting through the elegant dresses that Almother, the ancient sewing sorceress, had packed for me. Her skilled hands seemed to bring the garments to life, each claiming a drama of its own.

"Which one would you like to wear, my lady?" Astrid asked, hands rustling through the rich fabrics. Her voice shook me from my daydream.

I walked over, considering the array of attire. "That, Astrid," I replied with a bemused smile, "is an excellent question."

Upon hearing my words, Ama paused in her aromatic alchemy, her giggle breezing around us like the giddy flutter of a tropical bird's wings.

"May I help you in making your decision, my lady?" she asked, her enthusiasm offering a much-needed respite from the conundrums of my day.

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