Somebody's Gotta Raise A Little Hell

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I thanked all the stars above me when I found out that the science lab had been fixed and as Fury said, the tesseract was perched on one of the tables in all its glory. I approached the cube slowly, evaluating its measurements as I came closer.

Right when I was about to get the accurate measurements, the door to the lab opened with a whoosh.

"Ummm... What are you doing?", Tony asked pointing at my posture. My left eye was closed, my index and thumb forming a perfect L along with my body leaning towards the object.

I straightened myself up in a hastened manner and stood there with my hands behind my back. I looked at the three men at the door sheepishly before placing both my hands on my hip with a smirk on my face.

"I am preparing for an experiment." Both scientists in the room seemed interested and came inside.

"What experiment?", Bruce asked.

"I am going to try and extract the space stone from the tesseract.", I answered. I fully expected Bruce to go ballistic about my attempts and be like 'it's too dangerous' or 'it's useless' but Bruce Banner apparently was not done with surprising me today. He put his hand on his chin and looked at me thoughtfully.

"Interesting...But how are planning to break through the culumb barrier? It will require a lot of heat." A smile spread across my face when I saw that Bruce was on board with my plan. Quickly, I took out the tissue paper containing Chitauri blood and handed it to the world renown scientist. He looked at me quizzically.

"What is this?"

"Blood. Chitauri blood to be precise."

"Okay that's disgusting.", Tony commented in a matter of fact way. I chuckled.

"Tony? What if I told you that this disgusting thing can break through the culumb barrier due to it's high temperature of 210 million kelvin?", I asked with a confident smile on my face. The eyes of both the scientists in the room widened in surprise.

"Is that... Is that possible?", Tony stuttered. I twirled the white tissue paper between my fingers and answered.

"Bien sûr! (Of course in french). In the world of science anything that has enough evidence is possible. You should know that better than me.", I replied, though I wasn't finished yet. I walked over to the cabinets to collect the materials I would need for the process.

"Since the time I had wiped off the blood on this, I felt it get hot suddenly. So I had given this to Sri for testing just before we went for Shawarma. She ran a few tests on this tissue" I held up the object to emphasize on my point. "and she said that I felt this because of the temperature of the blood. She put a coating of liquid helium which froze the atoms of the blood."

"In short converted it from liquid to Bose Einstein Condensate, right?", Tony asked coming inside and taking out his tools. I nodded my head.

"Partially, yes."

"What do you mean partially?", Bruce asked taking his place next to Tony on the table.

Steve decided it was his moment to speak after all these moments of silence.

"What do you mean by any of this?!", He exclaimed spreading his hands. I laughed at my friend's naivety while Tony groaned.

"Seriously Rogers, you are a creation of science yourself but you don't even get basics of science? Now that's an oxymoron." The American hero looked at me with fear.

"This is basics?", He asked in disbelief. I shook my head and went up to him.

"Look Steve, in simple language we have found a way to transfer the space stone safely to my kingdom.", I assured. He nodded indicating that he understood.

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