Welcome To Asgard

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Author's P.O.V.

The queen of Asgard was one of the kindest the kingdom had seen. Matched with her wisdom, queen Frigga looked over her subjects with the same amount of love and care as a mother would.

While their king made sure his subjects were safe from any bodily harm, the queen looked over the other aspects of the Asgardians' lives such as education, taking care of the unfortunate orphans, emotional well-being, health— making sure to stock and equip the healers of the kingdom with the latest healing potions as well as devices— and sometimes, in some rare case even standing on the battle field along with their king to defend her people.

Just like how the queen considered the people of Asgard as her children, they too saw their loving queen as their mother.

However, when compared with the love the queen held for her sons, this was not even a fourth.

It was a known fact that Queen Frigga loved both her sons in an equally immense manner.

She was just as proud of Prince Thor's skills in battle as she was of Prince Loki's sorcery.

She was just as fond of the innocent mischief Loki caused, as she was of the ruckus Thor used to make in their younger days.

She was just as supportive of Loki's inclination towards the arts as she was of Thor's love of warfare.

Moreover, she was just as distraught when Loki was banished to Midgard as she was with Thor.

And hence, that was the reason why the queen's face seemed to brighten up a few shades when the messenger brought in the message from the two princes in Alfheim which said they were returning back hom from the battlefield victorious. While the Alfather was pleased that peace had been restored across the Nine Realms, the Almother couldn't help but let a smile slip onto her lips when she imagined holding her sons back in her arms again.

And right now, as she waited at the entrance of the golden palace of Asgard, each passing second seemed like an eternity to her.

"Why aren't they here yet?", She whispered, clasping her hands together, after she had stood on her tip toes and peered at the farthest end of the Rainbow Bridge visible to her.

She turned to her handmaiden standing next to her.

"Asa, is there any news from any of the princes?" The young girl bowed her head.

"No, my lady. The last thing we know is that Prince Thor was rounding up the prisoners while Prince Loki was looking over the injured men and women in the battle.", She informed.

"Why is it taking them so long in that case?", The queen rather impatiently muttered, wringing her hands now.

"My queen still worries after her sons even after all this while?", The gruff voice of the Alfather spoke from the right of the Almother with a slight chuckle.

"Always, my king. A mother's worry is one which is never quelled no matter how many eons pass.", Frigga said with a sigh.

"However, they have grown up, my dear.", Odin tried to placate.

"Oh hush! Even if they grow a beard longer than yours someday, Thor and Loki will always be my wee little babies. The same ones I had fed and put to bed each day with my very own hands." A few scattered chuckles were heard from the small welcome party the queen had assembled, she herself joining them.

"Besides,", She continued. "I am not only looking forward for our children to return, but also for their guest they are bringing with themselves. I have heard from Thor's letters that she is quite the impressive one." Next to her, King Odin stiffened a bit.

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