Opening Night

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I came out of my room and saw Nat coming out of hers.

"Hey there.", I said walking up to her. She was startled at first but when she saw it was me, she relaxed a bit and gave me a ghost of a smile. I went to her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"How is he?" When she understood whom I was talking about, the assassin again took up a distressed look on her face.

"I don't know. I think I was able to get Loki's grip on him off when I hit Clint and he fainted, but he has not woken up or shown any signs of improvement yet..." Natasha's voice had lost its once cheerful and carefree vibe but was replaced by an unusual one. A not Natasha One.

"(Y/n), I am so sorry about Bruce.", She said after a long pause between us. I nodded.

"I guess fate wanted us all to loose something or someone important today.", I replied. I saw the look on my friend's face.

"Come 'ere.", I said pulling her into a hug which she graciously accepted.

"Hang in there, okay?", I said attempting to comfort the red head in front of me. She nodded and kept a hand on my arm.

"You too.", She said.

With those words I was on my way to find the rest of the 'team'. In short Tony Stark and Steve Rogers.

I found Tony staring at the huge gap set in the middle of Loki's cell with a forlorn face. I walked up to him with Steve who had just arrived. He gave me a small smile which I returned and took his position leaning against the wall. I went and stood next to the billionaire.

"Did he have any family?", I inquired.

"No. But uh, there was a cellist, I think.", He informed looking at me.

"I am sorry. He seemed like a good man.", Steve commented from behind.
"He was an idiot.", Stark snapped back.

"Why? For believing?", The blonde snapped back.

"For taking on Loki alone."

"He was doing his job." I scoffed at this comment.

"Job... What a convenient word to use..." I looked up the boy with blue eyes in front of me.

"Steve a job means doing something which is among your capabilities and I can bet my last penny that taking on an intergalactic being was not one of them.", I argued.

"(Y/n) he had no choice!", Captain America debated back.

"There is always a choice Rogers!", Tony exclaimed.

"He should've waited. Called for back up. He was out of his league, like she mentioned.", He continued gesturing towards me. He went to say something else but Steve beat him to it.

"Sometimes there's no way out guys.", He stated.

"Right. I've heard that before.", The other stated on his way out.

"Is this the first time you've lost a soldier?", He asked looking at the both of us.

I took that as an offense. So did Iron Man. I was a warrior, not a soldier.

"We are not soldiers!", Tony spat the words I wanted to say. There was silence for a moment which I decided to fill.

"Tony is right. We are not soldiers. We are warriors. Soldiers are people who how fight but warriors? Warriors are people with their personal gifts who know when to fight."

"All of us here have our personal gift. Tony and Bruce have their impeccable brains. Cap, you have your bravery. Natasha has her lethality. Clint has his determination. Thor is loyal to a fault. And I? Well let's just say that my leadership skills are legend and I say we don't let them go to waste and we fight now. Today. Show Loki that he decided to mess with the wrong kind of people. Tell him that the people of earth never have and never will kneel to anybody who plans to destroy them."

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