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Chris' pov.

I never thought jungkook could actually prove to be one fine ass gentleman.
I am actually starting to believe that some spirit has possessed him.

That playboy? Gentleman?

I entered the cozy restaurant with him trailing behind.

"Chriissssss babbbbeeee." I heard someone yell my name at the top of their lungs.

All heads turned towards me and I quickly bowed down in embarrassment muttering a 'sorry' to everyone.

I turned my head towards the source and of course, it was Park Jimin. He gave me his cresent smile where his eyes disappear. Tbh, that does things to my heart, he's so cuteeee. Not in a romantic way, obviously. He's my bestie's soon-to-be fiancè.

"Gosh, Jimin. Keep it low, please." I playfully hit him on his shoulder to which he started laughing. Jungkook appeared behind me and soon his eyes lit up seeing the food on the table.

"FREE FOOD HERE I COME" He started digging into it without giving a fuck about his surroundings. I was having a hard time controlling my laughter.

"Hey! Don't eat all of that." Jimin scolded him.

"Yah! I'm hungry too, pig." I said.
"Huh, why not." He retorted.

"Because that's for Jones." He said and at the same time, a voice just behind me said, "yes that's for me."

My laughter slowly turned down hearing that familiar name and the familiar voice. Jimin noticed my tensed shoulders and quickly stood up holding my shoulders, "Chris, are you okay? What happened?"


I slowly turned away from Jimin and faced that source of that oh-so familiar voice. Hot tears started streaming down my face when i saw him and his hands wrapped tightly around a girl's waist.

I was heartbroken?

I was mad?

No, I was mad. Extremely mad and
boiling with anger.

Seeing me, his grip around that blondie loosened. Trying to overmask his shocked expression, he stammered,
"C..Chr..Chris? Ba..baby?"

I threw him a disgusted look and looked at the girl beside him.
Staring directly dead in her eyes, I asked growling, "who are you?"

"His girlfriend." She emphasized the 'girlfriend' word while smirking at me.
I had stopped crying. Instead, now I was laughing. Hard, very hard. Like a maniac.

Jones looked over at the girl shocked and yelled, "ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT GIRLFRIEND? WHOSE GIRLFRIEND?"

"Babe! Your girlfriend, of course." She winked at him, trying to flirt, right in front of my salad.

She thought I would react and create a scene but no. I wasn't going to do that.
I mean a little dramatic but not seeming desperate.

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