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Jones pov.

I lay on the cold floor. That sophia bitch had ran off to somewhere. what else did I expect?

I called henry because I couldn't get back alone. I didn't want to yell at Chris and make a scene, but she was asking too many questions.

"Hello hoe." I heard his voice.
"Henry, where are you?" I asked.

"I'm with Sophia. What happened?"
"That bitch, she created a whole fucking scene and called her my girlfriend right infront of my girl and then she's with you? I will kill her."

"Chill out Jones. Sophia's got good boobs. You probably discarded it and she got mad." He chuckled.

"Fuck you Henry. Chris's got everything no one has ever had. I need your help, can you come and take me home?"

"What happened that you can't drive back home?"

"If you just come here without asking questions maybe I would answer some on the way back." I cut the call.

He called me again. "Where are you exactly?" he asked. I could hear the ruffling of keys and Sophia's whining in the background.

"I'm at this restaurant near the mall. Come quickly." I hung up

My mind wandered back to chris.

I had told her that I'd be coming to Korea today, but I was here way before than her. She doesn't know but I've been staying here for a month for my business reasons.

Earlier today, when I was at the mall, I approached Jimin because he looked similar. I had a blurred vision in my head that I've seen him somewhere and then moments later, I recognised him.

Kim's friend.

He seemed no harm and would help me in my business without creating much of a loss. I didn't want to harm him in anyway because he'd be very helpful.

I was making sure to utilise him in the fullest possible way. Well that's until, this Jungkook emerged out of nowhere. He keeps on doubting me 24/7, I can feel it, but I must be fucking extra careful to give myself away.

I've always been a good liar. So be it.

I tried to be friends with him but he didn't budge. I hardly care bro, I'm doing this just so you could stop doubting me and my plan would go on smoothly. But it seems nature had different plans.

I didn't know my plan would backfire and these idiots would be associated with Chris. I like her, don't get me wrong. It's just that I can't afford her ruin everything I've built up all these years with so much hardwork and sheer determination.

Plus, if i mess this up, he would kill me.
And if he knows the reason behind this, he will torment me forever.

That's even more scarier than death itself. Being tortured by him.

I suggested that we eat at this particular restaurant because that's where Henry said he'd meet up to discuss something which would give us a lead. So I had excused myself after we ordered the meals.

When I returned, the 'blondie' as chris calls her, deliberately stayed back with me. She was Henry's sex slave, I have no idea why was she sticking by me. I've no interest in fucking her yet.

All I wanted was to be Chris under me but she was being hard. Earlier, I decided to lay hands on naeun, but that would be too soon.

I don't do anything simple, it has to be hard. So terrifying that my enemies aren't able to take it.

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