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Mayura and Cat Noir jumped to the building, disappointment spreading through the woman. Yes, Hawk Moth was a villain, but deep down she still had hope that he might really give up. The heroes are now arriving at the building, so since it's Sunday it was most likely empty. At least Hawk Moth is careful not to hurt people unnecessarily. They enter the house carefully. "The smoke rose from the 7th floor if I'm not mistaken," she says to her partner and runs up the stairs. They didn't know what to expect and what damage Hawk Moth had caused. Under these circumstances, it was far too dangerous to use the elevator. Arrived on the 7th floor, she had to wait for Cat Noir, he wasn't used to climbing so many stairs so fast and she grinned meaningfully at him. "Not that old, huh?" she asks amused "I'm smaller than you" he snorts. Mayura walked towards the door and opened it carefully, she saw a figure standing a little further away, but couldn't make out who it was. The adult looked at the young hero and counted from the three by hand. 'two... one!' she kicked the door all the way open and they both walked into the room, ready for anything. "That took a long time," a voice greeted them and they saw the typical violet clothes. "We'll stop you, ha-" she glanced at the person, it wasn't Hawk Moth. It was a woman. "Lol since when is Hawk Moth a female? But well I always knew he wasn't very manly" the boy joked. "EY" came another voice behind them. Immediately, the heroine spun around and faced an akuma. "So you gave your Miraculous to your partner so she could akumatize you?" she asked skeptically. The Akuma's voice was clearly Hawk Moth's. "Something like that," he grumbles, not very enthusiastically. "I'm not his partner, he's subordinate to me! And that's why I'm going to defeat you now." "Who's supposed to believe that?" the youth hisses. She carefully looks at the woman and the boy, she didn't know how strong this stranger was and if Hawk Moth really is one of her subordinates, it would be quite possible that she was much stronger. "Now let the game begin" says the female butterfly bearer and claps her hands enthusiastically. Without hesitation, the Akuma leans on the Guardian. Mayura dodged his attack. 'I just have to find the akumatized object, then I can uncloak him and fight the Butterfly Lady together with Cat. Perhaps Hawk Moth's identity also gives a clue to hers,' she mused and continued to evade. It is clearly visible that this woman designed her creations differently, this design was drastically different from the previous Akuma. It was detailed and yet kept simple. He wore a plain suit, something James Bond would wear, his head was covered by a black mask and he had messy blond hair. He wore a ring on his hand and a small pin on his black tie. 'That would be two possible objects' again she eludes his punch, but this time Mayura grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground. To her surprise, she landed right behind him as he balanced her with his foot. Hawk Moth got up and was about to pin her to the ground when she turned sideways and got up herself again, this time going on the offensive, throwing punches and kicks at him without giving a single chance to retaliate. He suddenly found himself with his back against the wall. However, with a deft twist, during which he grabbed the woman's arm, it was now she who was standing against the wall. 'Merde' she cursed mentally and looked for a way out. Without paying any further attention to him, she grabbed a vase that was standing on a shelf next to her with her other hand and smashed it against his head. As soon as the man loosened his grip on her hand, she turned the tables and held him tight. Without hesitation she pulled the ring off his finger, dropped it on the floor and smashed the object with her shoe. Unfortunately for the woman, this wasn't the akuma and the man kicked her in the stomach, causing her to stumble back, her face contorted in pain. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a red shadow and spotted Ladybug, who had just joined them and was also leaning on Cat Noir's opponent. Her gaze wandered back to her counterpart, he was visibly annoyed, she slowly suspected that he was an impatient person. Blood trickled down the side of his face where she had hit him with the vase. Hawk Moth attacked her again, he grabbed a chair and threw it at her, she could only just dodge when he threw the next one after her. The heroine quickly jumped behind a table to avoid the throwing chairs. The material these were made of was wood, which caused some of the seating to shatter on impact. Mayura grabbed a broken leg and jumped out of hiding. Deftly dodged these two more of his attacks and tried to hit him. The man just managed to jump to the side, despite everything she brushed his arm. "GIRL WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? DO YOU WANNA KILL ME?" he hisses at her "That's right, it's a shame about the nice suit" she replies with a cold look. Blinded by anger, the man runs towards her, grabs her and, to her surprise, lifts her over his shoulder. Without being able to do anything else, he then throws her against another wall. Panting, she pushes herself back to her feet. "Ashamed to treat a woman like that," growling, she jumped to the side to get some distance from him. "You started it," he accuses her. "You were the person who started the terror," she replies angrily. "You could have just given up, then it would never have come to that," he grumbles and tries to hold her again, Mayura dodges his attack. "And leave Paris to your rule? No thanks!" "I can't stand women like you, you're so stubborn" says Hawk Moth grimly "Just give up and that's it, you've already lost!" "So far you haven't shown any results worth mentioning," the heroine grins and glares at her angrily. "THEN I WILL SHOW YOU SOMETHING WORTH NOW" As soon as he had finished speaking, he grabbed her hand. Mayura tried to push against it, but he was faster and she lost her balance when he pulled on her arm. Leaning forward through the window, she grabbed his hand in hopes of stopping the fall, but the man then lost his footing as well and used her to brace himself low. "ARE YOU TIRED OF LIFE" the man yells at her in shock, she smiles "Maybe". Regardless of her opponent, she let them slam to the ground in front of her, the akumatization and the miraculous both protecting them from further damage, but both were dazed for a moment. "She's a suicidal and completely insane woman... help me," she hears Hawk Moth's voice murmur softly. "And winning" she replies and struggles to her feet. Her head is still pounding, the man stands up too and looks at her grimly. "You could have killed me," he hisses now, "And lo and behold, he's standing in front of me! Quickly alive," she jokes. 'Rule number one: always keep a cool head on a battlefield.' she remembers herself, but notes glumly that she hadn't managed to do that at the beginning of the fight with this man. Hatred blinded her and if she had reacted earlier, things might have turned out differently. A few people have gathered around her and stare curiously, after all it's not often that a grown woman in a peacock costume falls off the seventh floor of a skyscraper where she's fighting an Akuma, plus it's rather rare that you do that too survived. The two enemies pay little attention to this, both are used to onlookers from their private lives and have learned to deal with them. A glowing red mask appeared on Hawk Moth's face and he grins. "We're missing," he calls, running back into the building. "DAMN, STAY HERE AND LET YOURSELF BE DEFEATED" she hissed and ran after him. Only on the fourth floor does she manage to push him against a wall, he angrily grabs her leg and throws her to the ground, but Mayura grabs his collar and pulls him with her. "STOP PULLING ME, IT'S UNFAIR" he hisses "Toddler" she grumbles contentedly and reaches for the pin in his tie, to her surprise her enemy ignores this and keeps stumbling hurriedly up the stairs while they destroy the trinket wanted to. 'Idiot' she grins and breaks the object, but nothing happens. No butterfly. no akuma. Nada. A distraction. "MERDE" she curses and supports the man behind the building. A trap, it was on purpose so she wouldn't find the real akumatized item and she fell for it. She ran in the room. What she saw there confirmed her foreboding and anger spread in her stomach. Anger at herself for leaving the heroes alone with an opponent she couldn't fathom. The butterfly bearer stood calmly in the room, Hawk Moth had long since joined her and the two young heroes lay defeated on the floor. "How nice that you really fell for such a simple trap and can't destroy this Akuma, the heroine looks hatefully at the woman, "Well, I don't want to play anymore, it's getting boring. It's about time you used your power Akuma" she continued without waiting for an answer.

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