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Emilie had brought her son up to the top of the Eiffel Tower and was now spinning enthusiastically in circles. "How nice, I made it, nobody can stop me" she cheers and stops. "She... Nathalie is dead...?" whispered Hawk Moth softly and almost fearfully. "SHH, she wasn't important, just one of those little cogs in the big picture. You don't have to think about her anymore!" the woman tried to calm him down and put her finger over his mouth. Adrien had a feeling his father seemed sad but was doing his best not to show it. "What do you actually want to do with the wish?" asked the boy. Why did he ask that? Actually, he couldn't care less. "I was hoping you would ask," the blonde replied, letting out a laugh, her bilious green eyes flashing devilishly. "World domination! After all, that's what everyone wants." The woman put on jewelry and took off her wedding ring. "Oh Gabriel.." she grinned happily "You gave me a lot of fun." euphorically the woman clapped her hands and smiled "Plagg, Tikki unite!" she commanded and a great wave of light and energy emanated from her. Blinded, the boy covered his eyes. It took some time until the light faded a bit and his mother stood in front of him. Calm. Only after a few seconds did she speak, her voice sounded strange and alien. "This power is indescribable" she pointed to the city "I can do anything!" She spoke, and with the sound of her voice, the sky turned blood red and drenched the city in a blazing inferno of fire. Smoke rose in the sky and the moon disappeared. The city lights faded. Adrien felt calm, he couldn't explain why he was so calm and wasn't afraid, a look at his father next to him showed that he was very worried. "No one in this world has the power to stop me now" the woman grinned. "I'm glad we've finally achieved our goals," Hawk Moth smiles with more self-confidence. "We?" his wife asked but confused "Oh yes, of course you saved me and helped me to get the Miraculouse. You should be rewarded for that, but beloved man" a mean smile appeared on her face which gave even Adrien goosebumps. Was Nathalie right? Wasn't his mother who she pretended to be? Emilie looked at him and all his doubts vanished in one fell swoop. "Gabriel did you know that Amelie is infertile?" asked the woman, turning to her husband again. "Barren? Impossible... she has Felix and..." "Remember the Peacock Miraculous?" The designer took a step back, startled. "You used it to give your sister a son? Felix is a sentimonster?" he breathed, stunned, it was more of a statement than a question. "Oh Gabriel, have you never wondered why Adrien did everything I said and never did anything bad? Our relationship was terrible back then, you had doubts, you thought I wasn't the right one. You were my toy after all!" The adult backed away from her in fear, tripped over his own legs, and landed on the floor. The woman was now looking down at him from above. "Not only did I give my sister a baby, I did the same thing to keep you with me! Adrien is also a sentimonster, as is his cousin. I'm thrilled that you've really been dancing after my nose for 13 more years like a puppet. Even Nathalie didn't stand in my way, everyone was afraid of me. I really enjoyed it. But now my beloved man, you have done your duty. Farewell or something like that." the woman turned on her heel and where Gabriel had just been sitting there was only dust that was now being blown away by the wind. His father was simply erased from existence by her power. Without the woman having to lift a finger "Here" his mother called and threw the ring. The blonde caught him. All this time the feelings inside the boy had been mutilated. Screaming, he held his head when the small object let it run free. regret. Shame. Fear. Grief. "I have what I want, you are free. The ring is your amok, do with it what you want" "YOU KILLED NATHALIE" he yells angrily, tears streaming down his cheeks. "YOU KILLED MY NATHALIE!" "No, Adrien. You killed her. I just gave you the impetus." The youth covered his mouth to stop screaming. He had killed her. She could have defended herself without any problems, but she couldn't because she loved him and now Emilie had the power. The power to destroy the world. She had gotten into his thoughts from the start

She had been tampering with his mind from the start and he hadn't been strong enough to fight it. She said she was a good mother, but it was a lie. The adults had manipulated him from the start and wrapped him around his finger. Nathalie was the only person he should ever have seen as a mother, but now he could never hold her in his arms again and ask for forgiveness. She was dead. His father was dead. The world was in chaos and the woman who brought him into the world was the bringer of chaos.

'-Nathalie fell asleep before the movie even started, she was so tired. This pen was lying on the table so provocatively and as a small child you didn't know that there were also waterproof pens, so you conjured up a work of art out of her face and then watched the film in peace. The storm was long forgotten. Nathalie woke up the next morning and at first didn't know what she looked like. She woke you up and you went into the kitchen trying not to laugh out loud. Even the gorilla couldn't help but smile. The trouble you got when she found out was worth the fun after all...' the small inner voice inside him finished speaking now and reminded him of this moment. His head felt numb. He had cried so much that he was only able to sob softly in agony. Emilie had long since disappeared and he had neither the strength nor the will to find out what she was doing now. The boy just stared at his hands and coughed. The smoke from the city also enshrouded the spire, making it much harder to breathe. He did not care. There was no one left to stop his mother and no one left to raise the dead. He didn't have Miraculous, so the otherwise non-existent odds of winning against an omnipotent being were now on the negative side, if that was even possible. The blonde rubbed his face feebly and felt a strange cool touch on his skin.

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