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Hawk Moth looks at the woman. Annoyed that she had given him a name, but she didn't want to use that name, nor treat him like a human. More like a servant. Despite everything, he was amazed at the power Amelie possessed, although he didn't think it was great that he had to act as Akuma and she had his Miraculous, but Emilie's sister had easily incapacitated the heroes he had been unsuccessful for so long had fought. He knew that Mayura had lost, his opponent had no chance to win because Amelie thought everything through. Something he only now really realized. Not only how she designed his outfit, which made his opponents not immediately aware of where the Akuma was, but also that they knew in advance that Mayura would fight him instead of them. To him it felt like they were just pieces on a chess board. In the game of this woman. One thing he knew, he was glad he wasn't her enemy. He felt his temporary master's eyes on him. He snapped his fingers and without his enemy even realizing it, she was already under the spell of his power. Control. It was unlike having the power over an Akuma, he didn't have to coax her, he could just let her do it, like a puppet. The bearer of the butterfly miraculous now ran towards the guardian. It was very quiet. All that could be heard was the echo of heels hitting the ground with each step. "Since the middle of the summer Hawk Moth has been trying to defeat you, despite everything he hasn't succeeded once. Now I come here one day and already we win, I really expected more when I asked him to take care of the matter , but he turned out to be more inept than he thought," Amelie sneered, knowing he could hear her. Anger rose again in Hawk Moth. 'Would be really nice if she wouldn't talk disparagingly about you for once,' the man grumbled in his thoughts.

Mayura stood motionless in front of the woman, her eyes flashing with panic. She was painfully aware that this battle was lost. What else should she do now? What else could she do? She couldn't even move her fingertips, let alone speak. How could she defend herself like that? It felt like she was a statue. Her whole body felt so cold and icy, as if she had been encased in ice. The corners of the man's mouth twitched as Mayura's fist suddenly shot up. Unable to understand what was happening or to stop it, she slapped her counterpart in the face. A cold shiver ran down the adult's spine when she realized that Hawk Moth had let her do it. After a few seconds in which there was only silence in the room, Amelie turned angrily to the terrorist. Silence. "HOW DARE YOU HIT A WOMAN?" He grinned at her impassively and shrugged his shoulders to emphasize his indifference. "It was her and not me," he replies with a smile.

His partner glared at him with a warning and angry look before turning back to the Keeper. "Give me all your Miraculouse" Amelie commanded the woman. Although the order was more for him. Hawk Moth doesn't hesitate and watches with amusement as Mayura hands the woman over piece by piece. She examined them with sparkling eyes. "Look what a fabulous win! That's how you do it!" announced the woman, who had turned to the man with a piece of jewelery in her hand. Then she looks again at the guardian, who kept her eyes down. Without hesitation, the butterfly bearer took the Peacock Miraculous from her and put it next to the others. It felt like an eternity. He tells how Mayura fell to the ground as the wave of lich swept over her, turning her back into an ordinary woman. But no man could have prepared for what he now saw in the world. Nathalie. His Nathalie had been Mayura? The woman who calmly and patiently endured every mockery without raising her voice once? A wave of regret spread through him, because suddenly everything made sense to him. The father, as he saw when he tried to akumatize her, was the keeper that killed Emilie when she didn't get what she wanted. He had killed Nathalie's father and she hated Hawk Moth because of it. she hated him. Nevertheless, she had often had the opportunity to take his Miraculous away from him. Why hadn't she? Why had she never put an end to all this? Gabriel no longer understood the world. The man didn't have time to puzzle any further because Amelie is looking at him. "I think you're able to use the wish yourself, I want to catch my flight back. Have fun," the woman smiles and she's gone. Gabriel had never understood what was going on in the head of this strange person. He looks again at his assistant, who was sitting broken on the floor. Hesitantly he went to her and knelt down in front of her. "Nathalie.." he mumbles softly, whereupon the person opposite raised his head to look at him. Her beautiful blue eyes were filled only with deep sadness as they met. He felt like his heart was breaking into a thousand pieces. "I never would have dreamed that you were behind the mask from the start... I'm sorry we had to fight," he sighs. He would love to just hug her now and wipe away the tears that were constantly wetting her beautiful fair skin, but he was so close and couldn't be distracted. For Emily. For Adrien. For the future he had wished for for so long. He had to think about all that, because he knew that otherwise he might be overwhelmed by his doubts. He walked over to Ladybug and Cat Noir who were both still unconscious on the ground, first taking the Miraculouse from the girl and then the boy only to receive another right heel from fate. 'That's really too many surprises in one day for me,' he states and looks at Adrien. Mayura is Nathalie and his son is a mangy tomcat. It couldn't be worse. 'Emilie I hope you know how to fix this' he whispers to himself.

"Tikki and Plagg, unite," Hawk Moth spoke the ominous formulas that should give him ultimate power. It was more overwhelming than he could have ever imagined. As if he could see the whole universe and it was difficult to even think straight. 'I just want to be with the woman I love' he thought and the memory of his wife's smile appeared in his mind's eye. Unable to figure out how to do that with the wish in the first place, he tried to concentrate. But he suddenly felt his thoughts forming and he knew instinctively that Emilie would now wake up again Suddenly he saw Nathalie's face, blurred but unmistakably hers. At first he thought it was a manifestation of his conscience playing tricks on him. After all, that power was unpredictable. Until he realized that this woman was really standing in front of him. With the transformation, control over her had stopped. He looks at her startled, unable to react as she throws him to the ground and takes the ring off. He felt the power suddenly leave him and leave him in a blast. The woman who had had a firm grip on him a few seconds ago would be thrown back a few meters and was now sitting on the ground like him. "You lost," he states, satisfied and sad at the same time. He hates that she's his enemy, but at least he had Emilie back. She'll make everything right again, he was absolutely convinced of that. "You're an idiot to think that everything is going the way you want it to," she hisses, tears still in her eyes. Gabriel felt weak, unable to do anything against her. Nathalie didn't look any better either, swaying as she struggled to her feet, which was understandable given the fact that just a few seconds ago she had thrown herself at him without even thinking while he was using his ultimate power. "STAY!" he hisses, trying to grab her, but the woman was far too far away. "Kallki transform me" she whispered, panting, the words for the horse Miraculous and in the next moment she and the two heroes were gone. "You lost anyway," he replies softly as a figure appears in the doorway, so lovely and beautiful. Emilie.

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