- Movie Time -

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"You guys ready?"

Everyone nods at you and you press play on the movie.

It was currently 11:30 pm, everyone had just finished filming their last scenes for the day and four of you decided to watch a movie together.

Everyone had decided on Grown ups, just because they felt like laughing and messing around.

People got in their spots before watching the opening scene of the movie.

Brady was on a bean bag, Miguel was on the L shaped couch, sitting on your left. While you and Mason were huddled in the corner of the couch, snuggling together.

The four of you were the closest out of the rest of the cast, you and Mason closest of all.

Mason had asked you to go on a date with him a few months ago, three dates later you were his girlfriend.

Everyone was so supportive and happy that you were dating.

Brady and Miguel had heard all about you from Mason as he could not stop talking about you. They got annoyed and eventually forced him to ask you out.

Madeleine had to listen to you talk about Mason as well, so she eventually got with Brady and Miguel to come up with a plan to get you two together.

And it worked, because you and Mason had been dating for a month and a half now.

You guys were halfway through the movie, and you began to feel your eyelids droop slightly.

Mason must've notice this because he grabbed the blanket that was hanging off the edge of the couch before throwing it over the two of you and pulling you closer to his chest.

"Get some sleep." He whispers, kissing the top of your head.

You nod before letting your eyelids close fully, feeling your mind start to fall at peace.

While you were asleep, Brady and Miguel let out loud laughs at a scene in the movie and Mason kicks Brady in the head lightly as Brady was on a beanbag right by his foot. Mason also walked Miguel on the arm lightly.

Both boys turned to him with confused looks before noticing Masons glares.

"Shush. Shes asleep."

They both nod before smirking at his protectiveness towards you.


Once the movie was finished, Brady felt another foot to his head before he turned around.

"Mason, stop kic-"

Brady was cut off when he noticed Miguel shushing him with his finger before pointing to you and Mason who were now both asleep in eachothers arms.

"They're so cute its actually disgusting." Brady said before pulling his phone out and snapping a few pictures. "I have an idea, come."

Miguel follows Brady to a room before watching him pull out a box of random props and running back to the lounge.

He places the props on the floor before putting some funky glasses on himself and a purple spikey wig.

Miguel smiles before grabbing a matching green wig and the glasses with a nose and mustache.

They smile at eachother, trying not to laugh before moving next to you and Mason.

They pose together as Brady takes photos and videos on his phone before posting them on his Instagram story and sending them to the Black Phone group chat.

Once they've had their fun, they calm down before shaking their heads at the two sleeping lions on the couch.

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