- Tiktok prank -

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You set the camera up on the phone holder attached to the windscreen, smiling at the camera.

Tristan opens the door to the driver's side, smiling at you brightly and leaning over to you.

You smile back and give him a peck on the lips before watching him grab his keys from his pocket. "Ready?" He asks.

You're surprised he hasn't spotted the camera, it's literally right there. How blind is this boy?

You shake your head. "Nope, I just gotta find something." you mutter, looking at the camera for a split second before picking up the bag down by your feet.

You pretend to look through the bag on your lap before shaking your head. You turn to the back seat, going to throw the bag back, hitting Tristan in the face while doing so making him yelp in surprise.

You act like nothing happened and just grab one of the many bags you've put in the back seat before pulling it forward and hitting Tristan in the back of the head.

Tristan let's out an adorable laugh and you have to force yourself not to smile, just pretending not to notice and begin to look in that bag.

"What are you looking for? Maybe I could help." Tristan asks, looking over into the bag.

Bless his soul.

You shake your head. "Its not in here either." You say before turning to place it in the back seat, hitting Tristan in the face again.

"Ow." He mutters before sneezing as you must've hit his nose.

"Bless you." You mutter while looking through the third bag and groaning before turning back around to throw the bag.

"Wait y/n—"

Tristan is cut off when the bag hits him in the face making him sigh and blow his hair up and out of his eyes.

You keep your head facing the back seat, hiding behind the arm that's reaching for another bag as you smile to yourself.

You quickly drop your smile to a straight face and bring the bag back to the front, smacking Tristan in the back of the head again.

"Okay, what the fuck." Tristan mutters looking at you with a confused gaze.

You don't dare to look up as you know you'll start laughing very soon, just bringing the bag closer to your face to hide from Tristan.

Tristan frowns with a slightly smile tilting his head at you. He looks at the phone stand on the windshield and opens his mouth to gasp, pointing a finger at the recording camera.

"You bitch, I knew something was up." Tristan says with a smile and you laugh, looking at him.

"Sorry." You giggle before throwing the bag back, making sure to hit Tristan one last time.

Tristan looks at you with a straight face making you laugh harder before he takes your phone from the stand, bringing it really close to his face.

"See guys? See how she treats me? I'm like a her dog." Tristan says in a weird voice and you laugh, snatching the phone from him.

"You ain't my dog but you can be my bitch." You say, leaning over the middle and wrapping your arm around Tristan, holding the camera out to record the two of you.

"Look at us. The perfect couple right here guys." Tristan says and you smile, nodding before closing one eye and pointing a finger gun at the camera.

You stop recording and kiss Tristan on the temple making his smile brightly.

"Sorry for hitting you in the face. I love you." You say and Tristan shrugs.

"I'm getting you back for that and I love you too." He smiles before closing his eyes and leaning in to kiss you.

You smile back away from him, sitting back down on your seat and staring at him.

You watch as he frowns before opening his eyes and looking at you.

You laugh and flip him off making him pout which only causes you to laugh more.

"C'mere!" He says leaning over and grabbing the back of your neck softly, pressing his lips against yours.

The two of you smile into the kiss before breaking apart and laughing.

"You're gonna make me go crazy." He mutters and you laugh.

"You're already crazy."

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