- They catch you reading wattpad -

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They catch you reading a wattpad fan fic about them.

- M A S O N -

• He walked behind you and saw your screen.

• Confused as to what it was.

"Whats that?"


• Goes to leave it be but then stops when he sees his name.

"Hey, my names Mason."

• You explain it to him because this guy is honestly oblivious.

• You don't feel much embarrassment when reading fan fiction about your boyfriend.

- M I G U E L -

• He saw the icon when you were scrolling through your phone.

"Hey, is that wattpad?"


• You're kind of embarrassed he spot it but overall didn't care.

• He teases you for a little.

"So...what do yah read?"

"I'm not telling you that."

- B R A D Y -

• like Mason, he spot the words on your screen while coming up behind you.

• Reads it over your shoulder.

• You let him read it with you, waiting for his reaction.

"Wait, that's me. You're reading fanfiction about me?"


• He was kinda confused.

"Why are you reading that when I'm right here?"

"You weren't here before."

"Do you read that every time I'm not with you?"

"Most times, yeah."

• You're not entirely embarrassed that he caught you, his reaction is amusing.

• Snatches your phone and shakes his head.

"Nope. You will read no more. I'm right here, we can go do whatevers in your dumb book."

• Literally picks you up and takes you to his car.

"C'mon, what were we doing in the book?"

- T R I S T A N -

• I'm gonna be honest...you guys got it together for fun.

• The two of you read the same cringy Y/n books and give fun as reaction.

"Ugh, you dumb bitch!"

"Honestly why is 'why en' so dumb?!"

• The two of you laugh and cringe together.

• You love Tristan reacting to the fan fics about him.

"I would not do that, ever. That's weird."


"Aw y/n, that's kinda cute. We should do that."

• Overall, it's a really fun time.

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