- Chicken -

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It was what they call a "break day" basically just a day off from filming.

A break.

Madeleine, Brady, Mason, Miguel and you had decided to go to the beach to just swim, mess around and have fun.

Miguel and you are dating but what you have is new, having only started dating two weeks ago.

"Lets go!" Miguel yells, grabbing your hand in his and running to the water, everyone following behind.

The water was freezing but it was nice because the weather was way to hot and everyone needed to cool off.

"Oh shit thats cold." You mutter and Miguel laughs, sending you a smile.

God hes so pretty.

Everyone just messes around, splashing eachother, even playing chicken.

Miguel had got on Masons shoulders while you got on Brady's.

Madeleine was filming the whole thing on her phone from the shallow end, smiling to herself.

Miguel looks at you and smiles before raising his hands for you to take which you do, and Madeleine counts down.

Once she reaches one, you and Miguel both begin pushing eachother with as much force as you both can.

"How are you so strong what the hell?" Miguels words make you laugh.

"We got this Brady. He's weak." You tease and Brady laughs.

"Dream team right here." Brady smiles and Miguel sends him a look before focussing on the game.

Mason began to walk forward, giving Miguel a little more power but you managed.

Realeasing your hands from his, you push his chest, catching him off guard and he almost tumbles off Mason.

"I gotcha buddy. M&M right here." Mason says, keeping him up.

"C'mon y/n. We got this in the bag." Brady says and you smile before grabbing onto Miguel's hands.

"Sorry love." You mutter before pushing him into the water.

"Yes!" You yell, raising your arms over you hands before Brady looses his balance and the two of you fall into the water.

Miguel and Mason both laugh at you and Brady before Miguel makes his way to you.

"You're a cheater." He says and you laugh.

"Dont be a sore loser boy, its not my fault you suck." You say and the two of you laugh before Madeleine yells at everyone that Jacob came and brought food with him.

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