- Friendzoned -

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You and Brady were currently learning your lines together, helping eachother memorize them and go through blocking.

Most of your scenes were together as you played Adelaide, Vance's best friend.

"Today's the day motherfucker!" Brady says.

Right now you guys were practicing the scene where Masons character Finney was about to kill The Grabber.

"You're fucking dead bitch." You mutter before you and Brady both did a choking motion on your own necks, pretending to gag.

Brady falls to the floor and you let out a loud laugh. The two of you often messed around when you know you nailed the lines.

Once your laughter had died down, Brady stood from the floor and wrapped his arms around you.

"That was perfect." He whispered and you nod, hugging him back.

"You were great too buddy."

Brady freezes before stepping back and holding a hand over his chest, looking hurt.

You look at him in confusion.


Brady shakes his head slowly, backing away. "B- Buddy?" He asks sadly.

You shake your head, a smile covering your face.


"No, no. I get it." He whispers before collapsing on the couch, eventually rolling onto the floor in a lazy pile of flesh and bones.

You let out a small laugh before sitting down by his face.

He was staring up at the roof, his blue eyes zoned out into the universe.

"So this is what the friendzone feels like..." He mutters, not blinking from his trance.

You let out a laugh before shaking your head. "You're not in the friendzone Brady. Not even close." You say and his lip twitches lightly.

He was trying to hide his smile, not wanting to look too happy that he's not in the friendzone.

It was pretty obvious you guys had feelings for eachother, it wasn't a secret. There just wasn't a label on the two of you yet.

"Thats great." He says before his eyes shift to yours, a smile on both of your faces.

You have no idea how it happened but you could've sworn all of your feelings for him multiplied by ten just from the eyecontact.

He's so beautiful.

"Thank you." He whispers and you look at him with wide eyes.

"Did I s—"

"Yep. But it's okay. You're beautiful too." He mutters and you shake your head, blushing.

"So..." you whisper and Brady sits up, facing you so you're knee to knee.

"I like you y/n. Alot." He says and you nod.

"I know." You say, jokingly flipping your hair.

Brady laughs and you look at him with a smile.

"I like you too."

Brady looks at you with a smirk before flipping imaginary hair. "I know."

The two of you laugh together, smiling at eachother with pink cheeks.

"Can I take you on a date?" He asks, looking between your lips and eyes.

"Sure, why not." You say and Brady looks at you before laughing again.

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