- His jealousy scale -

13K 181 88

- M A S O N -

• 2/10

• He trusts you with every inch of his body.

• Does get jealous sometimes, but its not because he doesn't trust you. Its because he doesn't trust the guy you're talking to.

• 100% sure you're the girl he's going to marry. So he's never worried.

- M I G U E L -

• 10/10

• This man trusts you with his life but that will not stop him from getting jealous.

• When you were talking with a guy, the guy decided to flirt with you. Alot. Full on, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. Dude even kissed your knuckles when he introduced himself.

• Miguel was furious. You were obviously not interested and the guy kept pushing it.

• So he went over to you, wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into the most possessive kiss you've ever felt. Miguel started a full on make out session with you right then and there.

• "Shes mine."

- B R A D Y -


• He does not trust a single male around you.

• Hes not possessive about it, he lets you talk to whoever you want. He just makes sure that people know that you're his girlfriend. No one else's.

• One time, he posted you on his Instagram and alot of people started commenting on how pretty you were. It made Brady jealous, but he knew they were probably half way across the world.

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