- Is that a hickey? -

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Requested by: random_stories99


"Whats the time?" Your boyfriend Brady asks, looking up at you.

You were leaning against his headboard, his head in you lap while you play with his hair.

You liked these little moments with Brady, just relaxing and spending time together.

Leaning over, you grab your phone and check to time.

"5:48." You say and he nods, sitting up.

"Cool." He mutters before leaning forward, capturing your lips and catching you off guard.

Humming, you feel his hands trail to you hips, pulling you towards him more.

You feel his lips twitch up into a smile when he successfully pulls you onto his lap.

Thank god Brady closed his door when the two of you came in.

Brady parts from the kiss, not wasting any time before trailing small pecks down your neck, sending a wave of goosebumps over the back of your neck from his breaths.

"Control yourself." You mutter, poking his ribs.

Brady let's out a small chuckle before shaking his head and sucking on your skin.

"You smell nice." He whispers.

You let out a breathy laugh. "Thank you." You smile.

You feel Brady smile against your neck.

"You are very welcome."

"What are you guys doing?"

You and Brady both jump, Bradys head shooting up towards the source of voice.

His little sister stands there with her hand on her hips, staring at the two of you with an eyebrow raised.

You turn your head to face her, staying on your spot above Brady.

"Uh– Y/n was sad. I was giving her cuddles." Brady said, keeping the detail away from his sister's innocent ears.

You nod and watch his sister carefully. She seems to believe the two of you, stepping forward with sad eyes.

"Aw y/n, what are you sad about?" She asks, climbing onto the bed as If she didn't just walk in on you and Brady.

You shrug your shoulders. "Brady hurt my feelings." You lie.

Brady looks at you with an eyebrow raised and you smirk at him.

"What did he say?" She asked.

"He said that I'm a troll, and I smell like trash." You say, acting fake sad.

Brady bites his lip, shaking his head to himself.

His little sister looks at Brady with a glare. "Don't be mean Brady!" She says, smacking his arm.

"Ow!" Brady says, shocked by the force of his sister's tiny hands.

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