- Coming out to them -

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- M A S O N -

• So supportive.

• Your literal wingman.

• Kinda bummed at the same time, he had a crush on you.

• But happy you told him. He knows it can be hard for people to share those kinds of things.

- M I G U E L -

• This guy already knew.

• When you said the words all he did was smile and say "I know."

• You didn't need to come out to him, it was obvious.

• You weren't very good at hiding it.

• Supportive bestie.

- B R A D Y -

• Surprised. He had no idea.

• Definitely supportive.

• Helps you win over your crushes.

• Gave you a giant bear hug when you told him.

- T R I S T A N -

• He was shocked.

• Man was 99% sure you were into him.

"What? I thought you liked me."

"Humble yourself mate."

• Overall doesn't really care, he isn't going to think about you and differently.

• You're still his number one favorite person in the world

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