- Swearing -

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You have a four year old brother named...Koda. In this.



"C'mon Kod's, my friends are this way." You call out to your little brother who was wondering around the beach behind you.

His head pops up from the sand he was looking at, sending you a tiny smile before running to you on his little legs.

Koda grabs onto your hand, wrapping his little fingers around your fingers and you lead him to the area the cast has set up.

You spot Miguel drinking a soda and call out to him.

Turning his head, Miguel's sends you a smile, waving his hand in a come here motion.

"You see that boy?" You ask your little brother, pointing to Miguel.

Koda nods, looking over at Miguel and back at you.

You smile.

"Go get him." You say and Koda let's go of your hand, running to Miguel. 

You follow, walking over to Miguel who was sitting on the sand, talking to Koda.

"She's mean to you? She's mean to me too." Miguel says to the little boy.

You scoff. "I am not." You say.

Miguel turns to you with a smile. "Liar."

Koda stands up from the sand. "Liar." He copies, resting his hand on his hips.

You laugh, shaking your head before turning to Miguel. "Wheres Mason?" You ask, looking for your boyfriend.

Miguel points to the ocean causing you to turn where you spot Brady, Tristan and Mason splashing around.

You spot movement in the corner of your eye making you turn your head to see Madeleine and Jacob playing with a volleyball.

Facing back towards the ocean, you smile at Mason who was laughing at something Brady did. God, he's beautiful.

"Stop staring. It's creepy." Miguel says.

You turn to Miguel with an annoyed expression. "Shut up. I'm allowed to stare at him."

You pull the bag from your shoulder, dropping it by Miguel's before Bending down and pulling out your speaker.

"Oh yes! I forgot mine." Miguel says clapping his hands in excitement.

You and Miguel love music, whenever you guys are on set one of you will connect to a speaker and just dance until you're tired.

You shake the speaker lightly, pointing at him. "I knew you would forget." You smile.

When you're bestfriends with someone, you come to know them really well. Meaning you'll know when they're going to forget things.

You grab your phone out of your bag, turning on the speaker and connecting. Your Spotify automatically plays a song from your Playlist.

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