- I like her -

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Chatter and laughter filled the air oh a hotel lobby as the cast of The Black Phone were all gathered around a table playing a game of UNO.

The splatter of rain hitting the window sang through the background, adding a calming feeling to the atmosphere as the group of teenagers play.

"Last card."

"Its not last card dumbass."

Brady looks at you with a smile before shaking his head. "Uno." He says in a cheeky tone.

You fight back a smile before waiting for your turn to come around the corner.

Miguel places down a card, followed by Mason, Trsitan, Madeleine, and then Jacob before its finally your turn.

Looking at Brady with a smile, you slowly place your card down. "Shame bitch," You laugh. "Uno!"

The rest of the cast, except Brady all give eachother an annoyed look before conintuing on with the game.

It was finally Jacob's turn again, and the fate was in his hands. What ever he placed down could either make or break your victory.

Looking at you, Jacob slowly placed down a green seven.

You look down at your card with a sigh, shaking your head. "You're good man," you whisper. Jacob's smile brightens as well as the rest of the cast as they wait for you to pick up.

"But not good enough. I win baby!" You say slamming down your yellow seven.

Everyone lets out groans and roll their eyes while Brady laughs at your little victory dance.

Miguel sends an annoyed look to Mason to which Mason sent one right back before turning to you. "I think they're calling you over there y/n." Mason says, pointing over to the director.

You look back confused, "I didn't hear them?" You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.

Miguel lets out a small sigh before shaking his head. "Look, y/n. I– we don't want you to hang out with us anymore." He says and you look at him weirdly.

"What? Why?" You ask.

Madeleine shrugs before looking at you. "You're always screaming and it's getting really annoying. You don't know when to shut up." She mutters.

Normally, you would be hurt by these words. But you're used to it now. Most people couldn't handle the energy you have, it's just what happens in your life. You think you gain friends and you seem to push them away without even realizing.

"Oh well, I'll go then. See you guys on set." You shrug before grabbing your jacket.

Just before you walk out the door you turn to the group one last time. "I still won uno, so you guys can suck it." You say before turning and heading outside, sitting down under shelter before ordering an Uber.

Back inside, the cast was smiling at eachother. They've been waiting for someone to tell you that for a while.

"Thank god she's gone." Jacob mutters, leaning back on his chair with a sigh.

Miguel nods his head. "I did not like her." He mutters before reaching for the cards.

"I like her."

Everyone turns to Brady with shocked looks while Brady looked at them all disgusted. He couldn't believe they felt that way about you. He thought you were funny and a nice person to hang out with. He couldn't understand why the rest of the cast didn't want to see that.

Jacob shakes his head at Brady. "No you don't. You just feel bad." He says and Brady raises his eyebrows.

"Feel bad? Yeah, I feel bad. You just kicked her out because of who she is. That's fucked up." He points to everyone, standing up himself and grabbing his own jacket. "I'm gonna go now. You guys can sit here and do whatever the fuck you want, I don't want any part of it." He says before heading towards the exit.

Miguel and Mason look at eachother confused. "What the fuck?"


You were sitting on the floor, waiting for your Uber to arrive when you hear the door close from behind you.

Turning around, you spot Brady standing there with a small smile on his face. "Hey." He whispers.

You roll your eyes at him and turn back to the road, watching the rain hit the ground in splatters.

If you're gonna be honest, Brady hurt you the most. You liked him more then the rest of the cast, alot more. Finding out that he thinks you're annoying and doesn't want anything to do with you hurts a little.

Brady looks down lightly, understanding what you probably thought of him.

Slowly, he made his way beside you before lowering himself down ans sitting on the cold concrete step next to you.

You don't even bother looking at him before shuffling away a few feet.

Brady let's out a sigh through his nose before shaking his head and looking at the road like you were. "They're wrong y'know."

You look at him. He was staring at the road still, lost in thought.

"We don't like you. But I do. You're probably one of the most amazing people I've ever met y/n. They can't aee that, but I do." He whispers and you can just hear him.

You smile lightly before shifting next to him again, moving closer until your legs touch. "You're probably the only person who can." You shrug. Even your siblings don't like you. hell, your fucking parents can barely stand you.

"Well, good. That means more for me." He shrugs before wrapping his arm around you. "We're are we heading?" He asks, knowing you were waiting for a ride somewhere.

You shrug. "I dont actually know. You got any ideas?"

Brady looks at you with a bright smile.

"I may have a few."

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