Chapter 1

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It was nice day in Patch. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. A drunk guy half-naked on a tree branch.

Qrow:*sleeping* 💤

And a man tending his garden of roses and sunflowers.

Tai:*finishing up* And there, all done!*hands on hip* Now for a glass of ice cold lemonade!

Tai goes inside his to get a drink and sees his second wife Summer in the kitchen cutting strawberries.

Tai:*finger guns* Hey babe!

Summer:*finger guns* Hey babe!

Tai: So, I heard you have a mission from Oz tomorrow?*opening the fridge to the lemonade* What type of mission is it?

Summer:*putting the strawberries in a bowl* Oh that mission? Well...

Tai:*pours a glass of lemonade* Well? *about to drink lemonade*

Summer:*putting knife in the sink* I denied it because it too dangerous and it looked like it was a trap. And it was. Thanks to an anonymous source. And Qrow.

Tai: I see. *drinking lemonade*

Summer: And I also want another kid or more.


Tai: WHAT?!

Summer:*whispering in his ear* I want sloppy thirds Taiyang Xiao-Long~

Tai: Wa-wait! Summer!

Summer:*heart eyes😍 & drooling🤤* Come here lover blonde boy~

Tai: Wait! Big Brain!
Tai: Wait Summer, I got a better idea!

Summer: Oh~

Tai: We could adopt!

Summer:🤨 Adopt?

Tai: Yeah, we can adopt at that orphanage in Mistral!

Summer:*with a "Are for real?" look* Mistral?

Tai: Yeah!



Summer:....Who's going to watch Ruby & Yang?

Tai: Qrow.


Tai:...It's either him or Raven. And we both know what happened when we let her watch the house.

Summer: Oh.....

Tai and Summer were just coming home from a nice dinner date.

Summer: I hope Yang's alright.

Tai: Don't worry she'll be fine.

As they got to the front door.

Tai:*entering home* Guys, were ba-

Tai couldn't finish his sentence as he and Summer see Raven & Yang trying to put out a fire in the kitchen.

A/N: Raven divorce Tai, but still hangs out and visits them from time to time.



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