Chapter 2

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Night time at Xiao-Long/Rose household was Glynda reading a comic book and eating a slice of pizza.

Glynda:*eating pizza* Captain Punch really is a great comic.

As she was eating she heard the sound of a car coming implying that the parents are back and to hide her comic.

Glynda: Nobody will never know I read that.

After she said that, the sound of a car stopping and putting on the parking brake.

Meanwhile inside the Xiao-Long car aka Zippy. Was Taiyang, Summer, Y/n, Cinder, Emerald, Mercury and a sleeping Neo.

Taiyang:*to the ones that are awake* Welp, home sweet home. Or your new home now.

Y/n:*looking at the house* It looks like it built by a few people. Did you built it?

Taiyang:*impressed* Yeah. But with the help of my teammates, one of which is sitting to me.*gesturing to Summer*

Summer: Aww.

Cinder: Is there enough space for all 5 of us?

Summer: At the moment no, but we'll let you sleep on our beds till tomorrow. That's when you'll get new beds.

Mercury: Cool.

Taiyang: Anyway, let's head inside. You'll also get meet someone during our days in Beacon.

Emerald:*fascinated* A Huntress!

Cinder & Summer: Shhh.

Emerald:*quietly* Oop. Sorry.

Y/n: It's alright.

The parents and the kids got out of Zippy and head towards the door. As Taiyang was about to unlock the door it opened revealing Glynda who was still eating a slice of pizza.

Glynda:*still eating* Welcome back. And yes, there's still some left.*looks at the kids with a raised eyebrow* Did Summer kidnapped them?

Taiyang: What?! No!

Summer:*offended* Yeah! Plus I stopped 8 years ago!

Y/n & Cinder: Wait, 8 years?

Summer: Raven didn't want to comply so I took the initiative.

Glynda: You kidnapped Raven?

Summer:*correcting her* Adultnapped.

Everyone else:..........

Taiyang: Anywoo, Glynda.*gesturing to the kids* Meet our new kids that we just adopted.

Taiyang:*points to Neo* This is Neo, the youngest and the same age as Ruby.

Neo rubs her eyes of sleep and waves at Glynda. Who waves back.

Taiyang:*points at Emerald who is clinging to Summer's leg* This is Emerald.

Emerald:*shy* H-hello.

Glynda: Hello there.

Taiyang:*pats Mercury's shoulder* This is Mercury.

Mercury: Hey.*gets elbowed by Cinder* I mean, good evening.

Glynda:*chuckles a little* Good evening to you too.

Taiyang:*headpats Cinder's head* This is Cinder, the sub-leader of this group. All three of them are the same age as Yang.

Cinder: Good evening, ma'am.

Glynda: Good evening to you as well.

Taiyang:*points at Y/n* And this is the leader of the group, Y/n. He's a year older than Yang.

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