Chapter 7

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The scene cuts to the sisters' amazed faces turn to one of shame as Glynda, with a tablet computer, paces around the table the sisters is seated at with their brother seated in front of them, right underneath a bright light in the otherwise dark room.

Glynda: I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young ladies. You put yourselves, your brother and others in great danger.

Ruby & Weiss: Well they started it!

Ilia: Yeah!

Neo nods her head in agreement with her sisters.

Glynda: If it were up to me. And by 'me' mean your brother, you'd be sent home... With a pat on the back...

Y/n: That's true.

Glynda:*she notices the sisters' smiles* ...But from me mostly, a slap on the wrist.*she demonstrates with her riding crop, which Weiss barely avoids as she gives out an "Eeep!* But... there is someone here who would like to meet you five again.

She moves out of the way so the surprised sisters can see Ozpin come through the doorway, holding a mug of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies.

Ozpin: Ruby, Weiss, Ilia & Neo Rose...*leans in to look at their faces* Still up to mischief I see.

The sisters chuckle in embarrassment while Neo smiled and sweating.

Y/n: Hello Uncle Ozpin.

Ozpin: And hello to you too, Y/n. So! Where did you four learn to do this?*gesturing with his head at the tablet showing the four's fighting*

Ilia: S-Signal Academy.

Ozpin: They taught you all to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed and hidden?

Weiss: Well, one teacher in particular.

Ruby:*gestures to Y/n* And our Big Bro!

Neo: "And big sisters and brothers."

Ozpin: "I see..."

He puts the cookies on the table in front of the sisters. Neo tentatively picks one up, eats it in a single bite, and then, not seeing any rebuttal, the four shovels the rest into their mouths.

Y/n: Make sure to chew.

Ozpin: It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder, one sword-wielder, one that has the same semblance, and one that wears the same bowler hat with that skill before.

Ruby, Ilia & Weiss:*mumbles through their full mouth* Oh! That's our uncle, aunt, Adam, Winter and Roman!

Y/n: Please don't talk with your mouth full.

The three then swallow and wipe their mouths, in embarrassment.

Ruby: Sorry about that. That's our Uncle Qrow, Aunt Raven, our older brothers Adam & Roman and our older sister Winter!

Neo: "Uncle Qrow's a teacher at Signal. We were all complete garbage before he and the others took us under their wing."

Ilia: Yep. And now, we're all like— Hooowaaah! Witchaaaa!

The four sisters proceeds to make some karate-style poses and noises.

Ozpin: So we've noticed.*placing his cup on the table as he leans in, then sits down opposite of them* And are adorable girls such as yourselves doing at a school designed to train warriors?

Y/n: Adorable girls shouldn't be in a school designed to train warriors?

Glynda: Y/n, it's a......*sighs* Just as innocent as ever. Aren't you.

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