Chapter 5

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It has been two years since the Rose/Xiao-Long family adopted the kids.

Right now the oldest siblings Y/n is near Mantle with his sister Winter, Aunt Raven and Uncle Qrow traveling.

Why are they traveling near Mantle? To check out a mining site that lost communication for about a week now.

Raven: You sure it was a good idea taking them, Qrow?

Qrow: Technically it was yours. Plus we're only investigating. If it gets to dangerous we'll tell them to stay put until we come back.

Winter: You two realize we can hear you.

Qrow: And I hope you do Ice Queen.

Winter:*pouting* Why do keep calling me that. Plus my hair isn't fully white anymore.

That's right. Both Winter, Weiss and Whitley's hair now has a raven black spot in the middle of their hair. As Weiss told the others that the black hair was from their father and the white hair from their mother, as she mentioned that his hair was dyed white.

Summer wanted to buy more hair dye for them, but they refused saying that this proves their not a Schnee anymore but a Rose/Xiao-Long. This made Summer cry as she hugged her three kids in joy.

Y/n: Also, I can protect Winter and myself, too.

Raven: True. But your still not ready yet.

Y/n: Yet. Plus I know you, Uncle Qrow, Mom and Dad have been training and teaching Yang, Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Roman and Winter here for Signal Academy.

Raven: Right. But why aren't you interested?

Qrow and Winter looked at Y/n for answers too.

Y/n: Someone has to watch and protect the house.

Winter: But with your semblance and high aura, you can be the greatest huntsman in the world.

Y/n: I thought you said I was the greatest older brother in the world.

Winter: And you still are.

Raven: You can become someone like me.

Y/n: Aunt Raven, no offense. But I rather not. Also how did you set oven on fire making cookies?

Raven: Uhhh....

Raven: So Summer left me in charge of you guys today.

Weiss: Actually, Mother left Big bro in charge.

Raven: Don't worry, he, Roman and Winter need a break. Also who wants cookies?

Ruby, Weiss, Emerald, Whitley & Cinder:*raising their hand* Me!

Neo raises her hand too.

Yang: Do know how to bake cookies?

Raven: It's cookies. What could possibly go wrong-

Next scene shows the oven in flames.

Weiss, Emerald, Ruby & Yang:*running around in circles* Run away!! Run away from the fire!!

Cinder is seen protecting Neo from going close to fire. And Mercury tries blowing at it.

Y/n calmly puts out the fire with a Fire Extinguisher.

Winter & Roman:*to Raven shocked & confused* HOW!?!?!?!

Raven:.......The risk I took was calculated, but maaaan am I bad at math.

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