Chapter 17

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Three days later, we see Glynda doing some paperwork when she came across Y/n's and Adam's. In one of the questions that said, "Huntsmen and Huntresses rely too much upon their weapons in a fight. What happens if they are disarmed or not in possession of it at the time?"

Y/n wrote, "They would use their bare fists and kicks to battle the Grimm and other combatants. A Huntsman should not solely rely upon his or her weapon. Even if they have no access to a weapon, a Huntsman is never truly unarmed. They still have their Aura and their fists to rely on."

Glynda smiled as she continued with her paperwork. She then saw Adam's paper and was quite surprised by his answer. "If disarmed, then I'll just grab a random stick and start beating them with it. If not a stick, a random object would be fine as well." She sighed and put the paper aside, feeling a headache coming up. Although she had to admit, Adam has a point.

Then again. He and Y/n were also trained by Raven of all people, so it was understandable that their viewpoints were a little...unorthodox.

Glynda:*sighs*....How can someone be so pure....*looks out the window* In a world with a dark past....*eye twitches* ......If you have the answer to my question you can stop lurking behind me before I give you a colonoscopy with my high heel boots. Both of them.

Two shadowy figures with masks were standing behind her.

Glynda:*without looking at them* Breaking-in a Huntsmen Academy is highly against the schools rules.*cracks neck* Breaking-in to my office... You best hope a doctor puts you back together both inside and outside.

One of the two figures flinched.

Glynda: But since this is a 1AM Saturday night. Make it quick.

???: We want to talk about that tall Silver eye boy.

Glynda stopped and "Protective Godmother" mode kicked in as she grabbed the neck of the one who spoke first and used her Semblance on the second person and stuck them to the ceiling. Glynda was not playing these games.

Glynda:*choking the person* Just who are you exactly?*tightens her grip*

In the moonlight, the person that is reveal to be Sienna Khan. The White Fang leader.

Who is now being choked by an angry Glynda Goodwitch

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Who is now being choked by an angry Glynda Goodwitch.

Sienna:*struggling to breathe* White... Fang.

Glynda: And what do you want with him? Talk fast. Your turning blue.

Sienna:*slowly turning blue* Despite our recent activities! We actually have good intentions for him!

Glynda: He's an innocent being. Untainted by the world's racism and hatred towards each other. He doesn't even understand the simple concept of what a bully is yet.*coldly* And I'll be damned before you lot dare take him away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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