What happened during their childhood

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Never make either Ruby, Neo, or Weiss cry when any member STRQ is closeby.

Ruby:*they stop outside a house* I can't wait to see the look on our first customer's face!*rings doorbell*

Guy: Yeah?

Weiss: Good afternoon, good sir. Could we interest you in some chocolate?

Neo holds up a chocolate bar with a smile.

Guy: Chocolate? Did you say, chocolate?

Weiss: Yes.

Guy:*in an angry tone* I HATE CHOCOLATE!!

He slams the door making Summer and Raven who were closeby turn to the noise as Ruby, Neo, and Weiss goes over to the two, smiling and trying not to cry

Summer:*concerned* Ruby, Neo, Weiss?

Raven:*also concerned* Girls...I-It's okay. 

The three drops the chocolate, falls over, and starts sobbing.

Summer tries patting their backs but they still continue to cry.

Summer and Raven becomes furious as they grabs the chocolate, stomps towards guy's house and angrily bangs on the door.

Guy:*answers the door, still angry* Another one?! Look, I told your little brats I ain't-*gets choked by Raven*

Raven:*angry* Summer. Close the door.

Summer closes the door.

What follows was the sound of a man getting beaten to an inch of his life while large amount of chocolate bars being shoved via his mouth or....the unspeakable area.

Soon, Summer and Raven came back with smiles, lots of Lien, and a empty bag that had 50 chocolate bars.

Ruby:*still crying* Did he change his mind?

Summer:*smugly* He sure did. Ate the whole bag in one bite.

Weiss:*stops crying* Really?

Raven:*smugly* Yep. He even said he was sorry.

Ruby, Weiss, and Neo, their tears now replaced with laughter, were overjoyed to hear that the man had changed his mind and apologized. They couldn't believe the magic of chocolate and the persuasive power of their mothers.

Ruby:*giggling* Wow, I guess chocolate can really make people change their minds!

Weiss:*smiling* Absolutely! Who would've thought?

Neo, still grinning, simply nodded in agreement.

Little did they know that Summer and Raven were playfully embellishing the story.

Summer:*smirking* He felt so bad about what he said and did that he practically begged for our forgiveness. It was like magic.

Raven:*also smirking* We taught him a valuable lesson about manners and the wonders of chocolate.

The two moms exchanged satisfied glances, proud of the fictional tale they'd just spun.

Ruby, Weiss, and Neo were thoroughly impressed with their mother and aunt's persuasive powers. The idea of being able to change someone's mind and have them apologize by offering chocolate seemed like a fantastic superpower.

Ruby:*grinning* Our Mom and Aunt are awesome!

Weiss:*nodding* They really are.

Neo gave an enthusiastic thumbs up, her admiration for Summer and Raven clear despite their white lie.

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