Chapter 16

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It's been a few weeks since Team JNPR, Team CTRN, Team BBBR, Team RWBY, Team CEMN, Y/n, Winter, Adam, and Roman had joined Beacon and they had to admit, it was pretty interesting to say the least. Y/n, Adam, Yang, and Cinder were glad that Ruby was becoming more like a leader and Weiss was there with her supporting her at every step. Even though there still some ups and downs but they can handle it.

Right now, Y/n, and the rest of the Rose/Xiao-Long family were currently training in the gym. Riot was teaching Ruby, Weiss, and Neo hand to hand combat while Mercury and Yang were sparring. Emerald, Cinder, Ilia, and Winter were currently training with weapons, and Roman and Adam were working on their aura control.

By the door window watching(Mostly Y/n) the Rose/Xiao-Long family was Bleiss drooling at Y/n, the man's muscles flexing with his movements.

Bleiss: Damn. He's [Beep!]ing hot.

Blake: Agreed.

Bleiss jumped not realizing she was standing next to her.

Blake: Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.

She looks back at the gym watching the Rose/Xiao-Long family.

As Blake and Bleiss watch the training session, they can't help but notice the intensity and dedication with which Y/n, Ruby, Weiss, and Neo are practicing hand-to-hand combat techniques. The sounds of grunts, punches, and footwork echo in the gym as Mercury and Yang engage in a lively sparring match, their movements fluid and precise.

Emerald, Cinder, Ilia, and Winter are also fully immersed in their training, each honing their skills with their respective weapons under Riot's watchful eye. Meanwhile, Roman and Adam focus on refining their aura control, their expressions determined as they concentrate on mastering this crucial aspect of combat.

Bleiss continues to gaze at Y/n, her admiration evident in her eyes as she watches his every move. Blake notices her fascination and can't help but smile knowingly.

Blake: He's quite the sight, isn't he?

Bleiss nods, her gaze still fixed on Riot.

Bleiss: Yeah, he's... impressive.

Blake: Indeed. But don't get too distracted. Remember, we're here to train and improve ourselves.

Bleiss nods determinedly, her attention returning to the training session as she watches Y/n's movements with renewed focus. Together, they continue to observe the Rose/Xiao-Long family's training, inspired by their dedication and commitment to becoming stronger Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Timeskip to the next day~

Port: And so, despite me being surrounded and having a dastardly stomachache, I managed to...

Professor Port's teachings once again turned into blah-blah-blahs as Team RWBY, Team CMEN, Team BBBR and the rest of the class were suffering from yet another boring class of Grimm Anatomy. Like always, Rang and Wake was paying attention, Blake and Cinder were reading their books, Yang, Bleiss and Mercury was daydreaming and surprisingly, Ruby, Bluby and Weiss was actually wide awake, trying to jolt down good notes but...we all know why they can't do that since they can't separate what was facts and what was fiction in Port's story.

Fortunately, they had the Y/n and Adam factor on their side. Or in better understanding words, Y/n and Adam were also in the class. So finding good notes from the heavily sugar-coated story was a synch. After a terrible ordeal for some of the students, the poor souls.

Port: And then, by using nothing but bubblegum, duct tape and some ingenuitive thinking, I managed to trap the dastardly Ursa and slay it, receiving praise and worship from the village.

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