Chapter 4

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In downtown Vale.

A place where a lot of businesses operate for the kingdom of Vale. And also, shady deals in the less fortunate areas.

In an alleyway, we see a young eight year-old, orange haired boy, sneaking up on a couple then bumping into the man upsetting him.

Man: Hey, brat! Watch where you're going!

Boy:*in fear* I-I-I-I-I'm sorry.

Woman:*chuckles* Oh look he's scared! Haha! Come on babe, let's leave the brat alone.

As they started walking away, the boy began to walk a little fast and then running after he heard a "That brat stole my wallet!!" Prompting him to cut in another alley and hid behind a dumpster as the man ran by.

The boy peeked his head out to see if the man was still around. He sighed in relief as the coast was clear and got out to check the man's wallet to see how he had.

Boy: 1,500 Lien. Jackpot!

The boy walked out of the alley and was about to make a left he saw another target to his right.

Boy: Let's see...A family of five. One man and one short woman. Three kids, two with sliver eyes and with pink and brown eyes and pink and brown hair. I think the ones with sliver eyes are the short woman's kids. And that boy seems like he's the oldest of the two girls.

Boy: I guess I try their dad the blondie.*cracks fingers* Here we go again.

He said as he is walking towards them and "accidentally" bumped into one of them and fell.

Summer:*see the Boy fallen* Oh my gosh!? Are you two, okay?

Boy:*getting up as his arua flickers* Y-yeah. Ouch! What is this man made of?! Sorry for bumping in-

Y/n: It's okay.*offers a hand to help him up*

The Boy was both confused, surprised and a little frightened as he thought he bumped into the man. Only to see he bumped into Y/n who looked like he didn't even budge or move from the little act.

The Boy they grabbed his hand as Y/n helped him up. Or basically picked him up like he weigh nothing frightening the Boy more.

Y/n:*putting him down* What's your name?

Boy: Huh?

Ruby: Your name.

Boy:'s Roman. Just Roman.

Summer: So Roman, whatcha doing out here all by yourself? Where's your parents?

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Summer: So Roman, whatcha doing out here all by yourself? Where's your parents?

Roman looks down at them.


Tai: Ohhh...

Ruby:*tearing up* That's so sad!

Neo runs up to Roman and gives him a hug. Roman hugged her back. Y/n looks at Roman with a blank face, but he understands what he's going through.

Y/n: You can always come with us.

Roman:*confused* Wha?

Tai: Y/n. Your acting like your mother now.

Summer: Hey!

Roman: You saying, that you want to adopt me?

Y/n: It's always best to have a loving family.

Summer: Yes.

Tai: Y/n, Summ-

Timeskip at a local adoption agency

Adoption Front Desk Lady: So you want to adopt this child?

Summer: Yes!

Tai just grumbles realizing that he has another bed to build, but is happy to have another son.

Roman meanwhile didn't know what to say.

On one hand gets to have a family again.

On the other he doesn't get to pick peoples'' pockets.

Y/n: I guess. I have more people to protect.

Ruby:*happy* Yay! Another big brother!

Roman: Hmmm. I guess having a few younger siblings will be alright.

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