Fast forward Three Years

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Rose Weasley tumbled off the scarlet train, breathing in the sharp, cold smell of autumn. So much had changed in three years, her frizzy mane calming down into soft auburn curls, which now rested in a bun atop her head, a few loose strands framing her face. Her front teeth were considerably smaller, and she felt proud on the fact that she no longer resembled a ginger beaver. Her mind raced back to her first day at Hogwarts, flushed and beaming, her chest filled with pride knowing that she was in the same house as her parents.

A shadow loomed over her.

Staring up, she saw the old, but gentle face of Rubeus Hagrid, the Hogwarts gamekeeper. Towering three feet above her, he gave her a toothy grin.

"'Ello their Rosie! 'ow was yer summer?" Rose was about to launch into a very detailed explanation on what had happened, until a figure with a mop of black hair caught her eye.

"Er... Gottogohagridillseeyouatthefeast!" She quickly darted away from Hagrid, leaving him slightly confused. Running, Rose tackled her cousin, and best friend, Albus Potter, into a bear hug. Breathing in his warm smell of boy, she grinned to herself.

"Geoff! Get, Off, ugh. Nice to see you to, Rosie."

Unlike almost every year, Albus had failed to appear onto the Hogwarts train until the last moment, and had clambered into a compartment by himself, away from the rest of his enormous family of weasley/potter. Peeling herself off her cousin, she grabbed his elbow, steering Albus towards the horseless carriages, bombarding him with questions about a summer she already knew about.

"Why did you go into a different compartment?"


"Did you get any chocolate frogs?"

"Who... I..."

"What card did..." Rosie suddenly stopped talking, her mouth gone dry.

Staring at her, was the infamous Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.

Practically the only Malfoy not in Slytherin, he had a tendency to be the name shooting out of everyone's mouths. It might have also been because, though, that Scorpius was very, very handsome. Rumours had spread that Malfoy was part Veela, but if anyone knew the truth, they didn't say. Scorpius looked away, and had turned his head back to the Slytherin girls he was talking to, their eyes flicking towards possible competition.

Of course, Rose thought dryly, wouldn't want their Ickes Malfy-kins eyeing another girl.

Even The blonde beauty's presence at the library causing all the girls to flock towards him, practically showering him in edible gifts, not-so-secretly thoroughly doused in love potion.

Her fathers words echoed in her mind.

Rose snorted.

Her dad wouldn't have to worry about Malfoy.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, was no match to Rose, who was at OWL levels already. She even gave Hermione Granger, her genius mother, a run for her money. Scorpius was alright. Thrown into Ravenclaw, he wasn't stupid, but nothing compared to her...


She quickly shook her head, thoughts disappearing quickly. Albus had given her a weird look, eyebrows raised. Rose felt her cheeks heating up, mumbling something along the lines of 'Hagrid was waving at me.' Jumping onto a carriage, the two of them chatted and laughed as they neared Roses second home, Scopriuses face drifting from her mind as quickly as it had come.

Rose WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now