Going Down With The Ship

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After the hospital incident, Rose continued her daily life at Hogwarts. Her heavy oak trunk rested in front of her four poster bed. Small pictures of her family mounted the wall beside her bed, waving absentmindedly .

Snowflakes caking their hair, lips blue from the winter chill.

Even though it was the complete opposite in Roses stifling hot dormitory; all the windows thrown open in an attempt to catch some breeze. The summer heat had cast a drowsy spell on Rose, as she laid on her bed, concentrating on keeping her eyes open.

She held her parchment, sleepily mumbling her schedule.

"Potions with Slytherin, ugh... It'll have to do... "

"Defence against the dark arts with Hufflepuff...."

Rose muttered tiredly, her eyes heavy with fatigue.

"Herbolo-..." She stopped short.

She re read the sentence.

Whatever sleepiness she felt before was gone; her heart racing just as she let out a long, loud groan.

Burying her hands in her head, she didn't even notice her best friend Roe walk in.

And this was pretty unusual, considering she was a very noisily girl, her heavy black Doc Martians clumping across the old wooden floorboard in their shared dorm.

Despite their close friendship the pair looked nothing alike; Roe skin as dark as Roses was fair, her coffee eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses. (not unlike the iconic glasses owned by Roses uncle) And her glasses hidden behind her heavy black curls, which was seldom tied up.

Roe placed her dark hands on her hips.

"Well, what's happened this time?" She smirked.

It was Roses first night of her second year.

She cautiously pulled open her dorm bedroom, her nameless roommates sleeping soundly. Peeping through the bannister on her way downstairs, she found the common room empty, the last embers in the fireplace spluttering and glowing.

Rose darted across the common room, carefully opening the entrance door, praying the Fat Lady wouldn't wake up. To her luck, the portrait continued to snore heavily, the sound resembling a diseased pug.


Her wand lit up.

Her bare feet quietly padded through the empty castle, her wand shining brightly in front of her.

Suddenly, she felt a tingling sensation behind her.

She wasn't alone.

Turning around, her heart was pounding. As she glanced down, she realised it was only a white Scottish Fold cat, watching her intently.

Rose silently chuckled, shaking her head. Was she really frightened of a stupid cat? She turned back around, only to face a dark pair of eyes, their noses practically touching.

Rose screamed.

"Shh! Shut up you idiot, otherwise we'll both get caught." The stranger hissed.

Rose WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now