Trash piles and Chimaeras

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Rose walked into the great hall watching as students clambered into their seats, eagerly waiting Headmistress McGonagall to arrive. Sinking into her own chair, she silently scanned the staff table, which seemed slightly more empty than normal. All seats were ocupied with the familiar faces of her old teachers. Her eye caught of Professor Longbottom, wearily gazing at the empty seat beside him.


It was true, that the position of defence against the dark arts was no longer cursed, Voldemort being dead and all, but the teachers who took up the job quit before long, or just failed to show up the next year.

Roses mind swam back to Professer Ekragay, who had spontaneously combusted in the middle of a lesson, and stifled a giggle.

Smiling to herself, she turned towards Albus, who was sitting beside her.



"Where you think Mcgo..."

The doors suddenly slammed open with a force that could not have been described as other than magical. Headmaster Mcgonagall storming through the doors, her chin jutted up, her eyes fixed firmly ahead of her.

Behind her, Rose thought, was a walking pile of trash.

On a closer stare, she realised though, that it was a stout woman with wiry black hair covering her wrinkled face half-heartedly. She trailed behind Mcgonagall shrewdly.
Upon arrival at the long staff table, she spun around, with surprising agility for a woman so old. The trash-pile of a woman had poked her nervously.

Mcgonagalls eyes flickered with fury, and she let out a sharp hiss.

But the Headmaster stopped, pausing, as if something held her back. Lips in a tight white line, she ignored the fact that the comforting buzz of the great hall had diminished because of her ungodly shriek.

Grey thunder clouds, tumbling and groaning, drifted into the ceiling, snuffing out the bright stars.
Tearing her eyes from the heavy dark clouds, she noticed that everyone was staring at the Headmaster, who was whispering urgently at Professor Longbottom. Nodding his head tersely, he stood up quietly, and dashed out of the great hall.

Mcgonagall breathed in slowly, then gazed at the sea of students, staring at her expectantly. Smiling a thin lipped smile, she flicked her wand, and an old hat soared through the great hall, landing, perfectly, on a splintered stool.
But still, she wondered, why couldn't they fix it up a little?

The sorting hat perked up, it's lined face in a permanent sneer.

The sorting hat suddenly burst into dramatic song, it's croaky voice echoing through the halls. Once it finished, Mcgonagall yelled out;
"Ackles, Sophia!"
A small girl, her mousy hair in thin plaits, stumbled towards the old hat, tentatively lifting it onto her head. The hat squinted, mulling over the four possible options.
The house draped with yellow and red banner exploded into cheers and claps, as the young girl dashed to ares her new table, grinning nervously.
"Wonder who that Aw-ree-an woman is." James hissed, prodding Rose.

"Rupert, Adderforth!"

"It's Auriga you twat." Rose sighed at her cousins stupidity, but curiosity bubbled inside of her as well. She nudged Albus, discreetly pointed at their new proffeser, who was examining a small boil that rested on her nose. Albus shuddered.


"Awbeefa, Augria, whatever, Mcgonagall must have been pretty desperate to let her in." Fred, Roses other cousin, whose dark brown hair, so unlike his fathers, smirked.
"What do you think she teaches?" Albus asked
" Dunno, maybe she's part house elf, cooking and cleaning and stuff..." mumbled James.
"She's ugly enough..."

"Clancy, Devon!"

Dominique, another of Roses cousins, smacked him across his head.
"Don't be rude, she's probably lovely." Rose glanced back at Auriga, who was picking off bits of moss of her teeth, using her golden goblet as a mirror. Dominique faltered.
"Well, maybe,"


The Weasley-Potters abruptly stood up, screaming themselves hoarse with cheers and shouts. Then they quickly sat back down, leaning their heads in.

For the next quarter of an hour, they talked in muffled silence, not to attract the attention of other nosey Gryffindors. Questions buzzed through Roses head, who was the new Proffeser? Why was she of all people, inhabiting a seat at the staff table?

"Scamander, Lorcan!"

Rose sighed, pretending to be interested in the sorting.


She clapped, uninterested.

"Scamander, Lysander!"

Roses ears twitched, remembering who the Scamanders were. Luna's twin sons, Luna being a family friend. She decided to clap more heartily when Lysander was sorted.


She slapped her hands together, but quickly realised it was the wrong thing to do. A bewildered Lysander, eyes wide, his face even more pale then normal, had shuffled zombie like towards the green table, where they accepted him like someone would accept a dead rat.

Hushed whispers filled the room.

Was this year going to be filled with more scandal than normal? Rose knew in her heart that being the daughter of an exceptionally famous set of parents wouldn't be easy, but still...

Finally, when the Storting hat finished.

"Toby, Xander!"


Mcgonagall stood up abruptly once again.

"Welcome, Witches and Wizards of Hogwarts! May this year be the start of a new lives, and the end of old journeys." she paused.
"Before we feast, I have a few announcements. It is strictly forbidden for first years to roam the forbidden forest."
"And by order of our Caretaker Filch, items such as dung bombs, puking pasties, canary creams, or anything sold at Weasley Wizard Wheezes, are strictly prohibited."

She paused, and Rose swore she caught the smallest smirk.

"As well as that, we have two new Proffesers at Hogwarts, one being Proffeser, Auriga, the new..." She sighed.
"The new potions master. The other, being Proffeser Dolphine, our defence against the dark arts teacher, who is, unfortunately, not here today..."Proffeser Mcgonagalls voice faltered.
"Finally, the new Hogwarts wifi has now been officially installed. Although the electricity has been slightly altered by the magic we have at Hogwarts, we are determined that all students in possessions of eye-fons will be pleased at the new connection."

Smiling, Professor raised her gold goblet.

"Now, let us feast!"

Food suddenly appeared in front of Rose, the tables groaning in protest, and she dug in quickly. Listening to the happy rambling of Electra Lodge, a muggle born who was constantly complaining about the lack of muggle stuff, if Rose remembered correctly.

Just as she bit into a caramel slice, the doors burst open.

A young man, handsome, if it wasn't for the fact that his robes were tattered rags, his eyes were bloodshot or his hair messy. He sprinted down the hall.

"Chimaera! A Chimaera, in the 3rd corridor!"

And with that, the man collapsed to his knees, oblivious to the screams that coiled around Roses ears.

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